Does My Plant Look Healthy?


Well-Known Member
I think my plant has experienced some stress from transplating... but it looks pretty good so far, im just worried about some of the nute burn that it has.. it doesn't seem to go away, and most of the burns are minor. Should I worry much about burns?

Is there a way I can speed up the growth process? will this be able to pre-flower at its height? It's outdoors 12/12.



Well-Known Member
You're going to have a dwarf plant. It's up to you if it's worth your time and effort.


Well-Known Member
Dwarf? you mean a female and a male? well at least its better than a Male right? :P

Well will I still able to smoke it?


Active Member
haha dwarf means a short a're thinking of a hermaphrodites...


Well-Known Member
Like a lowryder plant? will I be able to get at least a half ounce from the yield?


Well-Known Member
10 grams? haha I just want something to smoke.. I hate buying...

Well tell me this.. how could I be able to make the plant a little taller to get some more preflowers?

Should I switch to 24/0 CFL lighting indoors? 18/6?


Well-Known Member
18/6 indoors is really your only option if you want a decent yield. You need about 100 watts(actual, not equiv.). Veg the plant until it's a good 8", then switch to 12/12. And remember, this is assuming you're lucky and end up with a female.


Well-Known Member
How many CFL's should I use? I have 6

Each CFL is 23 Watt's but give out 100watt energy and 1800Lumens each.