Does my plant look ok?

  • Please help fellow growers! My OG Kush strain has been on the soil for 13 days now. the first set of true leaves grew in healthy and fast. But its been about a week since my first set grew in and Im not seeing signs of a 2nd set. It is currently directly under 3 23 Watt CFLS. It looks healthy but as I stated I thought there would be a 2nd set of leaves by now. Do you guys think I should have it under a 400W MH by now and that is why it is not growing? Also, it is in a 1 gallon coffee container. Do you think it should be transported to a 3 gallon yet? Please give me advice guys, I really want my plant to survive! Attached are some pictures​



Well-Known Member
Thats plenty of light for now. Relax, everything should be ok. Be sure not to over water......also, hopefully the soil isnt too hot for a seedling.


Well-Known Member
Looks fine, the root system will be as small underneath as it is on top so
it should be a little while till you need to transplant.
I'd rather water too little than too much until it's bigger, so easy on the water.
dont worry once it goes to veg the growth rate will be explosive.
Good luck


Well-Known Member
Plenty for now, just keep them CLOSE.
You're going slow, but that may be due to the larger container.
3 of mine, at 3 days from sprout look about that size.