Does passing a drug test at home mean I can pass one in the lab?


Well-Known Member
My brother is trying to become a teacher, but he's a heavy toker who now has to take a drug test. I had a light smoke or two not too long ago, but I just passed the home drug test. Does this mean I'll be ok to supply him with my piss, or is the lab one different, meaning we should look elsewhere just to be safe?

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
no not necessarily. i would suggest your bro drink a ton of liquids before taking the test to beat it. technically, he won't pass it but he wouldn't fail it either. results will come up inconclusive, and will probably be asked to come back on a later date. hopefully, by that time he should be clean.


Well-Known Member
Public school teacher, I'm guessing? Hopefully math and sciences. We (ganga users) don't have a large enough representative sampling in those specific fields.

So, since your brother's planning on using your piss to CHEAT the test, I'm guessing he'll be really lenient with the students, when they do the same thing?

Lots of fluids (remember, too much water is toxic to the body! And, not just when you fall into it!) Electrolytes are actually important to the body (and to passing a piss test.) Not smoking really helps. As does eating a nice steak breakfast with a pot of coffee and a couple litres of cranberry juice, washing down a couple B-complex vitamin, and a creatine/B-boost in your last litre before the test.

A dilute sample is sometimes considered a fail. If it's yellow, stinks, and has creatine in and a high level of protein in it, it's not "dilute."


i took a home test after detoxing for 5-6weeks(i had not been smoking heavilly before detox)passed home test then went to work a few days after to take the planned test,passed lab test no problem.a few weeks later i had still been off the pot but smoked an eighth of gold seal black and fuck me got a test at work the following week and failed the fucker!