does perlite affect flavor?


Active Member
someone was trying to tell me perlite effects the flavor or marijuana and makes it harsher. i think its bullshit, perlite is great for drainage and holding water at the same time. i dont see how perlite can even have a flavor other than maybe rock or dirt. besides that, many debate fox farm ocean forest is the best soil and it's loaded with perlite. if it affected flavor so much, i don't think they would add it. i googled and found no info on it affecting flavor. anyone want to back me up or is there some information out there that im unaware of? thanks!
It's basically an inert substance. Your friend is moron. It's like saying that watering your plants makes your weed taste harsh.
Its baked sand. A form of silica dioxide. While it has no major nutritional value for plants, it seems to me the SIO2 would be in a form easily available to plants, and it might go into building strong branches & stems. Was you friend eating the Stems??
Tell you friend that Perlite is Organic and does not effect the flavor.

Organics cause flavor :) As pointed out, the fact that it is inert is what answers the question of flavor. It's basically glass that has been super heated, and glass doesn't break down under most circumstances, so is ignored by the plant. It only effects the consistency and hydro properties of your soil/medium.

It does contain silicates, but I do not believe they are leeched (since it is inert). If they were, this is not bad, silicates are necessary for cell formation.