Does pH matter when Water contains no Nutrients (1st week after x-planing clones)


Last week I transplanted two clones into my aeroponic (stick Buddy) system.

My RO water has a pH of 7.2. Thinking that nutrient uptake is best at 5.8 pH, I added gh-brand pH Down, and have been chasing 5.8 like the 48 car's been chasing the Cup (with similar results).

But is the water's pH important when no nutrients are present?

After the clones have established some good roots (4 more days?), I'll start feeding them. And before adding nut's I'll flush the system out anyway.

So am I chasing my tail for no real reason?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
PH is important even with plain water. There are some trace minerals that the plant needs to absorb. Without those trace minerals being taken up by the plant, it will have problems. Your doing the right thing on adjusting. You say your using RO water. What is the EC or PPM of it?
If it is near zero, you will need to use an additive like calmag to replace the trace minerals the plants need that the RO removed. Mix in some tap until you get a PPM of around 200. That should cover the trace minerals. I use a RO/tap mix to get in that range and I don't need to use any additives.
When you start adding nutes, you always adjust PH after everything has been added.
Remember, just like taking care of fish...the larger the tank, the easier it is to control. The smaller the tank, the faster things can swing.


Thanks Harry,

The RO water is reading 20 ppm on my .7 meter, and comes it at about 7.2 pH before treatement. If I do a combo of RO and tap (300 ppm at 8 pH) until I start adding the nutrients, should I still try to get the pH down below 7?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
5.5-6.0. I like to drift when things are going well. Anything higher than 6.0 and you will have some nutes start to lock out. Too low and you will have other nutes lock out. Drifting a little allows for both sides of the nutes. Don't be hell bent on trying to hit and keep an exact number. Just keep it in range and things should work out. When you hit 6.0 go back down to 5.5 and let it drift before resetting.
Thanks Harry,

The RO water is reading 20 ppm on my .7 meter, and comes it at about 7.2 pH before treatement. If I do a combo of RO and tap (300 ppm at 8 pH) until I start adding the nutrients, should I still try to get the pH down below 7?