does sugar help with bigger yields??

i have herd of using sugar at the end of flowering and it will boost my yield, but i dont know anyone that has tried it. anyone have any imput?


Well-Known Member
suga is used to sweeten flowers not make them yeild more ... Man growers not just cannabis have been using suga for years to enhance there flavors both taste and smells


Well-Known Member
Use molassis or sucanat (organic sugar cane extract) no regular sugar the sucanat retains its molassis where as regualr sugar doesn't its used to sweeten but its carbs for them so they will swell a bit atleast mine have just started using sucanat


Well-Known Member
Wow Rene, I havent seen you in a while. I remmber when you first got here you were posting frequently but I havent seen any in a while.
Molasses, Molasses!!, since i have been using unsulphured molasses, my buds have swelled twice as big as my firts grow. I noticed a huge difference for me. I use 2-3 tbs per gallon , my plants are 3 1/2 feet week 8 flowering, 3 feedings in 9 days with molasses my buds swelled alot and i can actually smell i ton the bud a little.