Does that look purple to you?


Just noticed this today.. a few of our plants have this magenta color to them. Only on the stems tho. The stalks have long vertical lines that run almost the whole length the stalks and also hairlike things on the petiole running towards the tip of the leaves. These pictures arent too great but theyre as good as I could get.


You can see in the second picture...2nd node up..left petiole. You can see the color.

My initial thought was a phosphorus deficiency, but the way the markings almost resemble veins on the stalk.. it just looks weird.
Can anyone shed some light on my conundrum??

Well-Known Member
Purple stem either means either genetics, or any different deficiency. If you have multiple plants of different strains, if they both have purple stems its probably because your feeding is off. If you have one plant with a purple stem it is probably genetics and there is a good chance if you have it outside or inside at night with a temp from 50-59 then the plant will turn fully purple. (usually, at least in my case)


Active Member
genetics m8 ... they are a bastard, if there is nothing else bothering yer plant ..take 2 paracetamol and come back next week ....THERES NOWT WRONG:wall::wall::finger: