Does the weed natually growing in the wild have any strength?


Well-Known Member
I found a nice patch of the wild stuff. Its about 1 week from harvast. I took a sample looked under a microscope and looks almost as good as my planted patch.


New Member
yes it would but it would all depend on everything just as it does the plants you care for

...the type of strain many hours of sunlight
...what is the surrounding soil like much rainfall is it receiving etc etc etc...


Well-Known Member
its not some ones patch cause it grows there every year and there are no males cause I pulled them a month ago. I post some pics you'll be suprised.


Well-Known Member
Not someones patch! It grows there every year and grows to full maturity and dies NOT HARVASTED ! The patch has grown there every year since I since remember.
If so lucky you. Hopefully it keeps working out for you. Even if you're sure you can never be TOO sure. Maybe check around for human signs of life, just to be safe. You never know.

Howards Alias

Well-Known Member
You're incredibly lucky to find something like that!

I would say that natural weed would definitely be up to standards of planted...that's how it is supposed to grow!


Well-Known Member
if you have known that it was there for many years and you knew that it wasn't someones garden, they why did u just now start taking the harvest? sounds like to me that it is someones grow and i wouldn't take anymore of it. also yes we was made to grow in the wild. but obviously its potential is not as high of thc do to lack of maintenance(no nuts or stead watering)