does this look like a nutrient burnout?

i'm in vegetative phase and feeding 6-3-6 weekly along with molasses and ph correction.
some leafs look like nutrient lockout, others burn.. i cant figure out.



Well-Known Member
She's hungry. She's wanting some MG and maybe some N also. I'd give her a healthy does of some N and some cal/mag.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are just begging for some N dude. Looks like the bottom leaves are just slowly dying off, because they are being sucked dry of nutes.


Well-Known Member
definitely nitrogen, phos and mag deficiency

lack of n will give you the blotchy yellow slowly turning white. Lack of phos same plus curling ,folding and brown spotting on tips and through out leaves. Lack of mag bright yellow tips and edges
ok i have soil fed with 6-3-6 and foliar fed 2-3-5 bio-activator. tomorro ill give her some molasses, the only source of mag i have, here i cant find any cal/mag fertilizers!