Does this look like nut burn???


bud bootlegger
but seriously, looks more like a deficiency of some kind rather than nute burn imo.. nute burn usually starts at the very tips of the leaves, not the sides like that ime..


Well-Known Member
if we use our brains a few if it is not loaded up with thc at the moment. if the plant was hungry it more then likely would start to yellow. yours is burnt and dark green , its burnt . from over fertilizer. most of my friends are high more then they are not now a days.


bud bootlegger
yeah, i blew up the pix and it definitely is looking more nute burn than deficient now, i see the tips are browning out first, which looks more like nute burn..

flush it with some plain water and don't feed again for a week or two .. what's burnt won't get better, but new growth should start to grow in nice and green..

SiR SmOkeSs AlOt

Active Member
So if your pots are 1 gal flush with two to 3 gal and pour the water over slowly so you don't disrupt the soil a ton. Hope that helps and hope ur plant gets better. Ur pots don't look very big tho what size are they ? Looks like a cup.


Active Member
Maybe they are getting too much Monster and staying up all night?

Seriously though, looks like you need to flush. A monster can is not that big, when are you going to transplant? I would wait a bit just because of the shock from transplanting and nute burn together might just push them over the edge.