Does this look like the beginning of a deficiency to yall

ProPheT 216

Well-Known Member
Looks like maybe to much N your starting to claw and burn. New growth is always lighter green, not looking bad just keep a watchful eye
Are you using the drain to waste program. I run hempy with perlite and coco or vermiculite depending on the strain. I start with the chart from their website. I usually get some yellowing in the 5th or 6th week if im not running the 5, 5, 2.5ml per gal formula. I just run basic 3 part with Liquid cool bloom and floralicious plus which both stink to high hell. I forgot about it for an hour while it was mixing and it stunk the entire flower room up. I have almost no issues running this setup with basic nutes. Keep your PH at 6.0 to 6.5 and you should be good. Forgot to note that I flush after every 3rd watering. Usually when you have to switch up the nutes to suite your girls for blooming. I use about 2ml to 3ml per gal of flora kleen and ph the water and water them and let them go a couple of days(in hempy you water every 2 to 3 days when they are budding). This keeps nutes from building up in the media. I only had a couple of weak strains that did weird things and I just accepted it and moved onto more robust "super fire" strains.


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What’s the 5,5,2.5 gallon formula? And is that formula for flowering and also is it for Autoflowers
5,5,2.5ml per gallon. 5 micro, 5 gro, 2.5 bloom in late veg, I would flush, and jump up to transition to flower at 4,4,4. It doesn't matter what strain you have. Autoflowers don't like extra veg so veg according to the chart. 4 weeks from first root. I would stick to the schedule until you get success and then you can tweak and experiment more. Some girls grow so big that I have to start flowering asap. You want to flower your girls quick enough so they don't overgrow the space and their pots by the time they are in full bloom.

