Does this look like TMV?


Well-Known Member
That looks very much like the mosiac virus, but if it makes you feel better, that is not an issue of luck or the lack of it. Since the virus is cross compatable with many plants its real easy to get, and many many growers get it but do not realize they have it as it often does not manifest in the same way.

For example, cannabis can also contract the potato mosaic virus, tomato mosaic, tobacco mosaic, cucumber mosaic and more.

All commercial potatoes bought in the store come from fields that have the virus. Every year potatoe growers gass the crap out of their fields in order to retard the uptake of the virus, along with trying to prevent the uptake of a number of other fungi like shotblast, but they are still resident in potatoes come picking time.

So you peel some potatoes then go and take some clones from your plants....(bing) they get the virus. That IS the reason why you are never encouraged to grow potatoes bought from the store back in your garden, its not that there is some magic in the so called seed potatoes you buy from garden centres, all potatoes are seed potatoes, its just that the seed potatoes do not have shotblast and potato mosaic virus.

Same goes for tomatoes, tobacco and more, they are all carriers of the virus and there is no better place to catch it from than with commercially grown products.

Even worse, other cannabis growers get the virus, then share their buds around, you grind up a bud and its all over your hands.

Its just that easy to spread, and in many cases, like yours, it manifests itself with the classic warped leaves.

Most of the time you do not see it until about week 4 of budding, that is because the virus doesn't kick into top gear until the plant receives a few shocks or the plants come under emense stress as they do after week 4 of budding.

Heat will also exacerbate the affects of the virus. Raising the lights will help if you intend to see the grow out.

Plants with mosaic virus also become wind sensitive and will burn easily with too much attention from the fans.

Nutrient is another thing that will cause a greater reaction from the virus. Plants become nutrient sensitive around the root area. Basically when it comes to feeding them, you pour in straight water first to switch on the feeding cycle, then pour in the nutrient mix at about half strength shortly afterward that way lowering the shock and also lowering the stress to the root zone.

Shocks are what will cause the virus to really take over your plants. The less shocks the less the affect of the virus.

But in the end you will not get a great harvest no matter what you try. Its a virus afterall.
I have a few cuts with it, it comes and goes. If the plant is healthy and strong, it usually doesn't show itself. Don't feel so bad man, it's really not that bad. :)


Well-Known Member
The only thing I'm worried about is whether my yield will be a lot smaller with it. It's my mother plants that have these symptoms, and they aren't growing all that great.
Jonus is right about the shock. I didn't mean to make it seem like its not a big deal...I apologize for that. If your plants aren't doing so hot then that's why the virus is showing. You are gonna want to get them back up. Flush em out like Jonus said and see what happens. Start taking cuts if things don't look like they are getting better and treat them like queens...