Does This Need Re Potting??


Well-Known Member
I have had this nirvana northern lights growing for 3 weeks and 5 days now. The leaves have drooped and I thought this may be a sign of re potting, (I haven't watered it for 4 days so it is not over watered if anything it is under watered).

Any advice would be good and if some one could tell me the next pot size to go to that would be great! The current pot is 9cm ! :D

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i am a huge fan of giving the roots room to grow , so i say upgrade ,also make sure you never leave the catch tray full of water , this will also give you a chance to inspect your roots


New Member
imo carefully lift lift plant out of pot if you see roots on outter sides and its full then yes transplant goin next size up look for a pot 2 - 3 times bigger then your cup size .
If you have over watered then in new pot fill up soil un moistened make your decent hole in middle place all your soil from your plant into next pot pack down firmly and dont water till mediium is dry


Well-Known Member
i doesnt need to be repotted. the roots are definitely not root bound. if you do want to re-pot it though then pick the final container its gonna go in.


Well-Known Member
most def re pot..bigger is better...not saying thats what causing your problems, but very soon your gonna need to get a bigger pot anyways


Active Member
im growing the same northern lights as you and just repoted at 15 days so id say go for it bigger pots for all


Well-Known Member
The plant is looking healthier now and it is 4 weeks old today. Should I re pot to its final pot before next watering or is it to early??


New Member
you got to give plant sometime to adabt to its enviroment i mean if you tranplant lets say from a 4 " pot to a 8 inch pot i wouldnt touch it for atleast 2 weeks
so if you just transplanted a week ago let it go for a bit before you re transplant again only thing your goin to do is somehow disturb the rootsystem and stress will follow

normally people will go from seedling tray or 1" tray to 4 " then in like 2 weeks later into final pot size less fckin around with this the better overall you will be


Active Member
I always think the plant can only go as big as the pot its in. I prefer to start them in the same pot I intend to use for its entire cycle. Looking at your first pics and being that was i think 26days old, it look very tiny in comparison with most at that age including mine at the moment. click my sig and good luck. :)