Does Watering 'Wake' Your Plants?


Well-Known Member
Me and my mate both have two similiar set-ups, my timers let my plants feed every 6 hrs (so 4 a day), he does every 6 hrs aswell, but cuts away the feed during the night (so just 3 a day). He says that feeding them wakes the plant.. We grow in Volcanic rock (or clay balls), n i think that waiting so long between the feeds will cause the roots to dry up too much.

Who of us do u think is right?

Fallen Buckshot

i would say no because night time \ late evening or right before lights out is normally the best time to water


Well-Known Member
Light wakes them from their sleep bro, not water/nutrients. You should feed during the day because all of your ventilation will be running and will not allow a lot of humidity to build up. You don't want your buds to mold or rot because of high humidity do you?


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not.. I have ventilation running 24/7 tho, so i wud b sweet to feed them during the night.. just good to kno that it wont wake them.


Well-Known Member
It is still not suggested to feed during the night cycle. I do not grow ebb and flow so I am just going by what I have read. I would stick to only watering during the day cycle. If it isn't broken than don't fix it


Well-Known Member
water during the day,,,venting or not during lights off mold thrives in dark humid places so himdity will still b higher with the extra moisture of water/feed....lights on is a dryer more direct method anyway you give ure plant light/vent/feed give it lights off to rest......if you spit in the sky it'll fall in ya eye....

Fallen Buckshot

i water my plants usualy right before lights out .. they seem to be doing fine just take yer fans off the timer and no humidity will build up inside as your ac condenses the humidity in the air to cool it


Well-Known Member
Umm... plants don't sleep. There are constant chemical processes taking place in the plant that change mostly based on light. Basically, they use light to get and store energy when available, and break down sugars for energy when it is not available. They are using water at all times and as long as the water supply is sufficient(as in the plant isnt underwatered), it shouldnt make any significant difference when you add water.


Well-Known Member
It's best to water right before the lights go on, or even right after. Watering before or right after lights out encourages pests/disease.

The moisture will stay longer without light/heat. Dark+moisture=mold colonies.


Well-Known Member
Well, im cutting away the midnight watering.. My plants r in CoCo, so they hav sufficient water from the 3 feedings.
when the plants are still small, i am using spray bottle so the soil wont get too damp or that a good method? the only fear is that not enough water is getting down tot the do i know?