Dog ate weed

I have a carry permit though open carry is legal.
Long guns only here, no assault rifles. Small clip semi's. I have 27 working rifles and shotguns, 4 bows and 2 crossbows and a 38 buried in a friends yard, it's been there for 20 years in oil but may be gone now lol. It's like 3 years here for hand gun if caught :(. I used to bear hunt with the bow and a hand gun would have been nice :(.
Long guns only here, no assault rifles. Small clip semi's. I have 27 working rifles and shotguns, 4 bows and 2 crossbows and a 38 buried in a friends yard, it's been there for 20 years in oil but may be gone now lol. It's like 3 years here for hand gun if caught :(. I used to bear hunt with the bow and a hand gun would have been nice :(.
In the US? If so, I didn't know there was anywhere here that didn't let people have handguns.

Smart for burying some guns. Maybe not all in one spot. I got a few cheap handguns and a couple rifles buried here and there.
In the US? If so, I didn't know there was anywhere here that didn't let people have handguns.

Smart for burying some guns. Maybe not all in one spot. I got a few cheap handguns and a couple rifles buried here and there.
When I lived in MA in '89, handguns were "police only" items. NJ had stricter gun laws too, but I could buy in MD after waiting my fifteen days.
When I lived in MA in '89, handguns were "police only" items. NJ had stricter gun laws too, but I could buy in MD after waiting my fifteen days.
Hmmm. Wonder if the restrictions are still the same.
No, Canada ;). Just bought a new savage today ..... 22-250, hoping it will kill a few coyotes :).
Nice. 22-250 is a very flat shooting round. Talking about reaching out and touching something.

I've been looking at h&r .17 for squirrel hunting.
download (14).jpg
A the way to the right is a .22 mag. The one just left to it is a .17.

I got a buddy that has one. You can hit a quarter at a 100 yards all day long.
Hmmm. Wonder if the restrictions are still the same.

Nice. 22-250 is a very flat shooting round. Talking about reaching out and touching something.

I've been looking at h&r .17 for squirrel hunting.
View attachment 4030284
A the way to the right is a .22 mag. The one just left to it is a .17.

I got a buddy that has one. You can hit a quarter at a 100 yards all day long.
I was looking at that too, it's a really cool round. I was using my 270 for coyotes but it was blowing them in half lol. I may buy the .17 for the stepdaughter instead of a .22 for Christmas so I can use it ;). I was just reloading some 25-20 bullets today, which has real crap ballistics but the gun is getting rather pricey, its for sale BTW lol. It's the one on the bottom ;). IMG_5346.JPG