dog name


Active Member
im getting a puppy.

a male: half AKC pitbull (colby) X AKC French Mastiff

looking for a name related to the green but not obvious for most

was thinking indica or indi but seems kinda girly huh

maybe: Blaze?


Well-Known Member
please please please show me the breeder saying his pits are akc. and if you know anything about pits history. a breeder that has a colby WILL not waste such a rare dog crossing it.

how about kif? if he is true Colby then he should be a fawn color. and most kif is that color.


Active Member
know something about the topic before you talk.

the dogs are both AKC i will scan pappers.
they belong to my father.
they not fixed.
dame is colby. sire is mastiff
they fucked.

now i have a puppy without a name. thanks

please please please show me the breeder saying his pits are akc. and if you know anything about pits history. a breeder that has a colby WILL not waste such a rare dog crossing it.

how about kif? if he is true Colby then he should be a fawn color. and most kif is that color.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
A few more to consider.....

Blaze (I know it's already been said... but I really liked it :) )


Well-Known Member
some may find it disrespectful so if you have a rastafarian friend i'd discourage it. otherwise Name him Jah.


Well-Known Member
Zultan (hound of satan, if I remember the movie title correctly)
or frowny


Well-Known Member
I have NEVER seen a American Pit Bull terrier on AKC paper work.

Well this i dont know, is Colby the breed? I was lead to beileve Colby was a type of APBT, just like Gotti.

know something about the topic before you talk.

the dogs are both AKC i will scan pappers.
they belong to my father.
they not fixed.
dame is colby. sire is mastiff
they fucked.

now i have a puppy without a name. thanks