Dogs as Growing Partners


Well-Known Member
So I went to the pound with my friend to finish some paperwork for her new puppy. I walked down the concrete halls and saw all the dogs all barking their heads off, except for when I walked by. They all gave their best sad dog faces and it really gets to you. It was strange when the staff came back, a second before the door opened, the whole place fell silent for 1-2 seconds. It made me think that the dogs know when one of them is about to walk the green mile. I'm sure there is a special person who's morbid job it is to do the task. Dogs are intelligent enough to connect the dots, they know the dog isn't going to a happy smiling little girl or young couple. When we finally left, the dogs all went even more wild, as if to say, "please, come back and pick me".

Anyways, I figure that if I save a dog from the gas chamber, and free it from bondage, his natural instinct is to serve me with his whole heart. He would be perfect to keep you from becoming in bondage yourself. When approaching the plot the dog could scout out up ahead and make sure the area isn't being watched or anything fishy. I think they could assist a great deal.


Active Member
i agree my dog goes everywhere i go if he cant go in somewhere he stays in the truck. i didnt get him from a pound but i did save hime from a horribile house .. the pepole where disgusting the house was full off cockroaches i refused to go inside i new right away i had to take this dog hes been my bestfriend ever sense . if u could take a dog in and give it a home i would say u should definetly do it ..


Well-Known Member
my dog has rooted out more than a few snakes on the trail ahead as well for me. Most times when he gets to barking and gets excited ahead of me its to warn me about the snake and he knows better than to fuck with it so he makes a lot of noise and normally runs it off or at least draws my attention to it so I know better than to walk right by and possibly step on it or close enough to get bit. They are amazing partners and comfort creatures and would be excellent grow partners that would tell no one!!


Well-Known Member
my dog has rooted out more than a few snakes on the trail ahead as well for me. Most times when he gets to barking and gets excited ahead of me its to warn me about the snake and he knows better than to fuck with it so he makes a lot of noise and normally runs it off or at least draws my attention to it so I know better than to walk right by and possibly step on it or close enough to get bit. They are amazing partners and comfort creatures and would be excellent grow partners that would tell no one!!
lol i myself have 3 dogs and yup its true they warn u before and there really good oartners and wont say nothing lol but yea i say go 4 it dogs are really great pets and smart too trust..


Well-Known Member
dogs are the best thing ever. My dog barks at everyone that paasses by, but in a freindly way. he likes to stick his head underwater and dive for rocks. i think a dog would always keep me safer like when im driving and stuff because i think 'if i crash, im gunna kill my dog', plus chicks like cute dogs. ADOPT A DOG!!!


Well-Known Member
i like how you want to save a dog from the pound, however i can see him being a better companion than a grow partner. i could just imagine him eating your crops unless he was very well trained

i guess it would be good if he could be trained to protect the plants from other animals and maybe it wouldnt be the end of the world if he "trimmed some lower branches"


Well-Known Member
my dog is 15 she is to old to go planting.she served me well as a partner for many years. she could run point and freeze without a sound if she thought something was wrong. teach it not to bark while in the bush. but a good dog is more in tune than yourself if you watch them they can save you from potential problems. bringing a dog along keeps other animals at bay from their smell at least for a couple days,they will piss and mark their territory. it works as good as any predator urine. we are predators also so piss around your own plants just not on them or their soil.

Big P

Well-Known Member
yea dogs love to eat fresh cannabis,

I always give my dogs some when im tending the plants

got a bullmastiff and one mut i saved fromt eh pound

these are great dogs, desendents of roman war dogs,

all they wanna do is serve thier master, will fight to the death in defense of thier human family and great with kids:

The Bullmastiff was obtained by crossing 60% Mastiffs with 40% Bulldogs in the country of England. Mastiff Bulldog types can be found in records as early back as 1795. In 1924 Bullmastiffs began to be judged. Three generations of breeding of Bullmastiffs was required for Bullmastiffs to be registered as purebreds.

The Bullmastiff was used as a gamekeeper's dog to track down, tackle and hold poachers. The dogs were fierce and threatening, but were trained not to bite the intruders. When the need for gamekeeper's dogs decreased, the dark brindle dogs so good for night camouflage gave way in popularity to the lighter fawn coloration.

It has been prized as a hunting guard, as an aid in army and police work, and is used as a watchdog by the Diamond Society of South Africa. Today's Bullmastiff is a reliable family companion and guardian. It enjoys living with the family, with whom it comforts itself well.

Height: Dogs 25-27 inches (63-69cm) Bitches 24-26 inches (61-66cm)
Weight: Dogs 110-133 pounds (50-60kg) Bitches 100-120 pounds (45-54kg)

The Bullmastiff is a devoted, alert guard dog, with a good-natured temperament. Docile and affectionate, but fearless if provoked. Although unlikely to attack, it will catch an intruder, knock him down and hold him. At the same time, it is tolerant of children. Intelligent, even-tempered, calm and loyal. These dogs crave human leadership.

The Bullmastiff is extremely powerful and needs a firm master, who is confident and consistent with the rules set upon the dog.

Be sure to socialize extensively with both people and other dogs at an early age. They can be okay with other pets, depending on how well the owners communicate with the dog. The Bullmastiff is a more dominant breed than the Mastiff.

He tends to drool, slobber and snore. Puppies may seem uncoordinated. These dogs are very sensitive to the tone of your voice and need someone to speak with an air of assertiveness, but not harshly.

I highly recommed this breed if you dont mind having a huge dog:bigjoint:


nice mastiff and they can get waaay bigger then 133 pounds


Active Member
nice post.... it's Known that the human /dog relationship is like no other in the Animal Kingdom.... we owe Dogs because of the fact that they were key in our Protection and Hunting as Primitive Man. Both species Man and Dog have evolved together and it is there instinct to serve and Protect us!!! save the Dogs


Active Member
I agree save dogs I have a rednose pit. OH MY GOD A PITBULL. I know omg, but my dogs are always well behaved, and harmless unless you reach across the fence then he will eat your ass. Brutis is his name can't upload any pics right now. sorry.


Well-Known Member
I have pit-bulls to and they wont atack anyone unless ordered to they will normally run to you scare the sh** out of you and then lick you to death all they want is to play the thing is they are big and since they were raised with boxers they have the same personality.
there are no bad dogs only bad owners.
And yes they are great alarm and friends.