Well-Known Member
So I posted in another section some bugs I found. Some said thrip others said spider mites......well the problem wasn't getting better with neem and soap. I am on week 4 of flower and couldn't find doktor doom by me. I search high and low, near and a little further. Nothing. I looked at foggers I control and spending $150 wasn't in the cards right now. I saw the active ingredients and found this with the same stuff just half the dose. The half life on both are less than a day with UV and I figured I would try it. Bought some insecticide soap too for maintenance. Did I royally screw up or should I be ok since I have another 4-5 weeks minimum of flower? I may have to hit the tent up one more time this week just to be sure it got them all but it was a fine miat spray. Was hoping for a fog where I set and close the door but nothing like that unless it was something harmful. Opinions welcomed please.