Doktor Doom sprayed in room with fresh harvested buds please help


So yesterday I harvested my first part of my plant, tied them up all nice and hung them in a dark cupboard in my bathroom as it was the only dark place we could find.

Fast forward to this morning, my guess around 7am, my mom decided it was a good idea to spray down the bathroom with the bug spray (I attached a pic of the can) and closed up the bathroom, because she was tired of the sewer flies I guess idfk. She forgot the weed was in there. (Less than 24 hours I swear to God. I'm having a bit of a melt down this is literally my first grow and first harvest and I've been growing since April 1st that's so many months of hard work for me to lose ALL my main colas. Like. FUCK) I took tgem out when I discovered this at 830

I don't know what to do. Will the buds be fine? Her exterminator friend told her it will be fine, but in my opinion he's kind of an idiot so I don't really trust him on this

The can says it's go green, but it's fucking professional grade poison like we were warned it could hurt/kill our rabbits for fuck sake

Please help.

This is the other forum I've been asking questions on so far that has more info on my plant or w.e.
LOL Bless her heart
Seriously I am not making a recommendation because we both know it is heartbreaking

I was gross crying. Sobbing audibly and shaking man like what a fucking thing to wake up to i wasn't even actually awake yet.

I smoke weed to help emotions even and boy howdy this was a firm reminder of how extreme they tend to get.

But. Fuuuuuucked five months of growing and patience and work. I hope someone can tell me they'll be ok and I don't have to throw them out :(
Unless it was sprayed directly on the buds I wouldn't worry about it. You said they were in a closed cupboard weren't they?

Nothing terribly toxic in Dr. Doom an other than picking up a bit of smell the buds should be fine.
What do you need to know man? They weren't in direct contact because you said they were in a cupboard but all you can do now is wait and smoke it. If it smokes harsh or you grow a third arm then you'll know. Just chill in the mean time. It sounds like the flies your mom was trying to get rid of would've fked with your bud anyways. She did you a solid.

Invest in a 30 dollar tent to avoid problems like this.
What does her plumber, butcher, baker, candlestick maker and mechanic think?:wink: