dolomite lime, adding to the soil


Active Member
hi all :)does anyone know if i can add some dolimite lime to the soil just one day before watering with nutriens? i want to add some dolomite lime just to balance the ph of my soil, i heard it acts to balance the ph of the soil, i had some problems before so thought it would be a good idea to give some to plant soil but also heard that it schouldnt be mixed with nutriens . i was planning to give them some of it today, mix with the soil and water tommorow with u think its safe for the plant?


Well-Known Member
Yes, you cand ad dolomite lime at any time, great soil buffer. Usually they run out at week 4-6 weeks in flower and a good idea to add more about that time. You can top dress, try to mix if you can other wise it cakes up in chunks. Nutes should not have any effect.


New Member
If you know your soil is Acidic using both methods above is beneficial .. No more than a two teaspoons to a gallon ( Soil or H20 ) is a good general rule to follow .. Spiking is another method as well ..