dolomite lime and rots organic soil mix question


Active Member
ok. so ill be grow 9 or 12 plants max,some time soon. ill be posting that when i do. my question is regarding dolomite lime. all i know is that you mix 1-2 tlbspns per gallon of soil or 1 cup per cft soil of fine dolomite lime.
does this add up to every brand soil?. im using roots organics natural n organic mix. so pretty much ill be mixing 1 bag of the follwoing in to 4-1.5cft bags of RO soil...

greensmix mushroom compost-1 for less than 4.50

worm gold plus-20 dry quarts...hydro shop

should i add more of each? if so how much more. as to the dolomite, is 1 cup per cft ok?

im going to be running the full line of BMO,so i dont care for much nutrients in my soil.
im also growing in air pots...

im open to all coments guys n gals
I think it's fairly forgiving. But from the description you can use it to achieve the soil PH you want. That leads me to believe you can over do it when using. But for most name brand soils I think what you stated should be fine. If you want to get precise you could always test the soil ph before you use it on your plants.