Dolomite lime outdoors

So hello guys im starting my first grow today (as in planting the germed seeds) and i realized the lime i had gotten is my soil is going to be gods soil mixed with some peat moss but i dont have any dolomite lime. Do you think im fine without it? I really need to get them out today so i dont really have time to order more..Thanks!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Knowing the ph of the natural soil might be a good place to start. You may not need ANY lime. Also too much lime may not be good.

no clue

Well-Known Member
You need a soil test. Someone more knowledgeable will chime in and tell you where. Ag schools will do it I think.


Well-Known Member
Yeah! just searching "soil test (your state)" and I'm sure something will come up. They will analyze your sample for you and tell you everything you want to know depending on how much you are willing to pay. If there are you universities, the state department of Ag will often do them as well.

But really... for pH all you need is a simple soil test. You can go to any store with a garden center and find these tests. Basically it's just test tubes and pills. You take a soil sample, put it in the tube with water, add the pill and it will tell you your pH. Be sure to follow the instructions on the package.