Dolphines caught getting high off puffer fish.


Well-Known Member

[h=1]Dolphins caught chewing on fish to get high[/h] By Aaron Souppouris on December 31, 2013 04:28 am Email @AaronIsSocial 56Comments
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A new BBC documentary will show adolescent dolphins getting high by chewing on pufferfish. The fish secrete a toxin that gives the dolphins a buzz, and the crew on the upcoming show filmed male bottlenose dolphins passing around a puffer fish before acting "most peculiarly." The program's executive producer John Downer notes the dolphin were in a trancelike state, "hanging around with their noses at the surface as if fascinated by their own reflection." < :lol:

Dolphins aren't the first animals caught getting high — moose have for many years been observed getting drunk by eating fermented apples. The footage was captured thanks to a number of bizarre contraptions created for the documentary Spy in the Pod. The crew modified remote-controlled cameras to resemble a tuna (pictured above), turtle, squid, and dolphin in order to film the animals without disturbing them.
In addition to inebriated Cetacea, the show will also feature evidence of symbiotic relationships between dolphin, stingray, and other fish, which teamed up on film to hunt smaller prey. The two-part show will premiere January 2nd in the UK, but the high dolphins won't make an appearance until the second episode airs on January 9th.


Well-Known Member
yea I did read sum thing about it in the news the other day, funny, they even treat the puff fish carefully, not like it would do with pray, also talked about they observed the Dolphins flooding on there back and admiring there own reflection once they are high :D


Well-Known Member
Right on, I will have to name one of my strains/crosses "puffer fish" LOL.

Went to watch the video and got "the uploader has not made this video available in your country"

This guy apparently had inside information, sweet tattoo...


Well-Known Member
Right on, I will have to name one of my strains/crosses "puffer fish" LOL.

Went to watch the video and got "the uploader has not made this video available in your country"

This guy apparently had inside information, sweet tattoo...
Yea, when I seen it and it had a video I was like hell yea, this is gonna be funny. Nope, not allowed in my country. Fuckers. Guess I may have to find the actual doc on bbc.


Well-Known Member
yea I did read sum thing about it in the news the other day, funny, they even treat the puff fish carefully, not like it would do with pray, also talked about they observed the Dolphins flooding on there back and admiring there own reflection once they are high :D
Wait, so does this mean that I can take a small amount of puffer fish toxin to get high? We are both mammals after all.
I wanna look at my reflection in amazement.


Well-Known Member
The birds around here will eat berries that go bad to get drunk, then they fly into my bay window and die lol.. deers and moose are up in our crab apples.