Done and dusted

4 more weeks. Make sure you flush with 72 gallons of fiji water.

at least! And dont forget 2 days of darkness before chopping!

Beautiful what's type of bud is it?

First is a cross of og kush and uk cheese stinks like licorice and burnt rubber with hints of a victorian basement and the latter is an ooooold selection of believe it or not sage! Smells and has an intense exhale taste of over ripe mangoes.
at least! And dont forget 2 days of darkness before chopping!

First is a cross of og kush and uk cheese stinks like licorice and burnt rubber with hints of a victorian basement and the latter is an ooooold selection of believe it or not sage! Smells and has an intense exhale taste of over ripe mangoes.
When it comes to smell, taste, and color mango kush and chocolate kush are my faves
When it comes to smell, taste, and color mango kush and chocolate kush are my faves

For me i just want the weed to taste so much on the exhale it makes you go wtf is this! and to keep tasting profusely until those very last tokes. Its kinda how i select my keepers, if the taste comes out your ears, ill most likely like it. Ive grown the first strain a few dozen times with different methods and different nutrient lines and she always tastes a lot! Ive found when im generous with humic and fulvic acid the taste is always more present and complex.
I think the intensity of a strains taste will be determined mostly by genetics.