Donna Brazile can go fk herself


Well-Known Member
This self serving bitch has now really gotten under my skin by stating in her new book that Obama's ego bankrupted the Democratic Party.

Former "interim" DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile said the Democratic party was "leeched of its vitality" by former President Barack Obama and others in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential campaign.

“We had three Democratic parties: The party of Barack Obama, the party of Hillary Clinton, and this weak little vestige of a party led by [Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] that was doing a very poor job getting people who were not president elected,” Brazile wrote in her newly released 2016 campaign tell-all, titled “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House."

Brazile accused the 44th president of caring "deeply about his image" and using the committee to act as a bank for his personal "political expenses."

The only reason that the Democratic party EXISTS today as a viable alternative to that POS Republican party is because of the efforts of Obama in saving this country from the effects of 8 years of Republican domination, so for her to say Obama was a leech, is unfucking believable.

Fuck her, and any Sanders and Trump supporters that undoubtedly will say she is only speaking the truth.

Yea right, Bernie got fucked by the DNC, and for good reason , which was he didn't stand a fucking chance of becoming the POTUS.

Or am I wrong?
This self serving bitch has now really gotten under my skin by stating in her new book that Obama's ego bankrupted the Democratic Party.

Former "interim" DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile said the Democratic party was "leeched of its vitality" by former President Barack Obama and others in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential campaign.

“We had three Democratic parties: The party of Barack Obama, the party of Hillary Clinton, and this weak little vestige of a party led by [Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] that was doing a very poor job getting people who were not president elected,” Brazile wrote in her newly released 2016 campaign tell-all, titled “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House."

Brazile accused the 44th president of caring "deeply about his image" and using the committee to act as a bank for his personal "political expenses."

The only reason that the Democratic party EXISTS today as a viable alternative to that POS Republican party is because of the efforts of Obama in saving this country from the effects of 8 years of Republican domination, so for her to say Obama was a leech, is unfucking believable.

Fuck her, and any Sanders and Trump supporters that undoubtedly will say she is only speaking the truth.

Yea right, Bernie got fucked by the DNC, and for good reason , which was he didn't stand a fucking chance of becoming the POTUS.

Or am I wrong?
5* thread.

Much superior to the garbage posted recently.

Would read again and recommend to friends and family when we're at a bar eating chicken wings and enjoying some live music.
Here's a clip of the tucker interview. At least Brazile wasn't playing into any bull shit about the dnc's severs not being turned over to the FBI first. So tucker expected the dnc to contact the FBI immediately about being hacked, but didnt expect the Trump campaign to notify the FBI about knowledge of the same fucking hacking. He's funny to watch, he gets so red and genuinely frustrated looking, Lol.
Here's a clip of the tucker interview. At least Brazile wasn't playing into any bull shit about the dnc's severs not being turned over to the FBI first. So tucker expected the dnc to contact the FBI immediately about being hacked, but didnt expect the Trump campaign to notify the FBI about knowledge of the same fucking hacking. He's funny to watch, he gets so red and genuinely frustrated looking, Lol.
i loved tucker's interview with bill nye.

nye kept his cool the whole time until tucker just started shouting apoplectically "I'M OPEN MINDED! I'm OPEN MINDED! YOU'RE NOT! I'M OPEN MINDED" and sthen immediately shut down the interview. i could watch it all day.
Here's a clip of the tucker interview. At least Brazile wasn't playing into any bull shit about the dnc's severs not being turned over to the FBI first. So tucker expected the dnc to contact the FBI immediately about being hacked, but didnt expect the Trump campaign to notify the FBI about knowledge of the same fucking hacking. He's funny to watch, he gets so red and genuinely frustrated looking, Lol.
I think he's an example of everything thats wrong with society today.
I guess I'm not as sophisticated as some, because this whole Donna Brazile business confuses the shit out of me. One day the headlines read:

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

I come here and read shit like this:

You're naive if you believe Brazile
Obviously Brazile, as well as probably every journalist on the list the Clinton campaign invited to dinner, is a corporatist shill.

And now @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk , @schuylaar, @PetFlora and others won't stop posting about how Donna ripped the lid off the corruption at the DNC. I think to myself, surely they aren't talking about the same Donna. I look into, and I'll be damned if they're not. Now Donna is some Christ like figure, with unimpeachable credibility.

I googled it, and saw Donna was selling a book. There's an old publishing gimmick where you include scandalous and salacious details in your manuscript, to get the book selling. Considering the timing of the release, this couldn't have been done more effectively. Then, as Donna did, you go on TV, and denying saying what you said. Which is exactly what she did. Next she'll say, she's the victim of a smear campaign, or some other stupid shit, and you should feel sorry for her.

I thought it would die down, but now we get to watch Donna Brazile youtube videos. Yay!

So, as to your original question, are you wrong about Donna, I say this:


She kissed, Karl fucking Rove Jim. No you're not wrong. She's a duplicitous piece of shit. Hopefully this book, which I doubt she even wrote, is the suicide note for her political career.
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This self serving bitch has now really gotten under my skin by stating in her new book that Obama's ego bankrupted the Democratic Party.

Former "interim" DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile said the Democratic party was "leeched of its vitality" by former President Barack Obama and others in the months leading up to the 2016 presidential campaign.

“We had three Democratic parties: The party of Barack Obama, the party of Hillary Clinton, and this weak little vestige of a party led by [Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz] that was doing a very poor job getting people who were not president elected,” Brazile wrote in her newly released 2016 campaign tell-all, titled “Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House."

Brazile accused the 44th president of caring "deeply about his image" and using the committee to act as a bank for his personal "political expenses."

The only reason that the Democratic party EXISTS today as a viable alternative to that POS Republican party is because of the efforts of Obama in saving this country from the effects of 8 years of Republican domination, so for her to say Obama was a leech, is unfucking believable.

Fuck her, and any Sanders and Trump supporters that undoubtedly will say she is only speaking the truth.

Yea right, Bernie got fucked by the DNC, and for good reason , which was he didn't stand a fucking chance of becoming the POTUS.

Or am I wrong?

you're wrong.
I guess I'm not as sophisticated as some, because this whole Donna Brazile business confuses the shit out of me. One day the headlines read:

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

I come here and read shit like this:

And now @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk , @schuylaar, @PetFlora and others won't stop posting about how Donna ripped the lid off the corruption at the DNC. I think to myself, surely they aren't talking about the same Donna. I look into, and I'll be damned if they're not. Now Donna is some Christ like figure, with unimpeachable credibility.

I googled it, and saw Donna was selling a book. There's an old publishing gimmick where you include scandalous and salacious details in your manuscript, to get the book selling. Considering the timing of the release, this couldn't have been done more effectively. Then, as Donna did, you go on TV, and denying saying what you said. Which is exactly what she did. Next she'll say, she's the victim of a smear campaign, or some other stupid shit, and you should feel sorry for her.

I thought it would die down, but now we get to watch Donna Brazile youtube videos. Yay!

So, as to your original question, are you wrong about Donna, I say this:


She kissed, Karl fucking Rove Jim. No you're not wrong. She's a duplicitous piece of shit. Hopefully this book, which I doubt she even wrote, is the suicide note for her political career.

she's leveraging a combo of alt fact, cliff hanger for money. her career is over, she needs to sell books while people still remember who the hell she is..a Bish.
I guess I'm not as sophisticated as some, because this whole Donna Brazile business confuses the shit out of me. One day the headlines read:

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton

I come here and read shit like this:

And now @Padawanbater2 , @ttystikk , @schuylaar, @PetFlora and others won't stop posting about how Donna ripped the lid off the corruption at the DNC. I think to myself, surely they aren't talking about the same Donna. I look into, and I'll be damned if they're not. Now Donna is some Christ like figure, with unimpeachable credibility.

I googled it, and saw Donna was selling a book. There's an old publishing gimmick where you include scandalous and salacious details in your manuscript, to get the book selling. Considering the timing of the release, this couldn't have been done more effectively. Then, as Donna did, you go on TV, and denying saying what you said. Which is exactly what she did. Next she'll say, she's the victim of a smear campaign, or some other stupid shit, and you should feel sorry for her.

I thought it would die down, but now we get to watch Donna Brazile youtube videos. Yay!

So, as to your original question, are you wrong about Donna, I say this:


She kissed, Karl fucking Rove Jim. No you're not wrong. She's a duplicitous piece of shit. Hopefully this book, which I doubt she even wrote, is the suicide note for her political career.

that's why you must watch her morning joe interview..there's something in it everyone NEEDS to hear. it will set the record straight on who she really is.