Don't Buy Anything From GrassCity!


Active Member
Review from Canna Compare
Beware of buying from GrassCity!
Seedshop review Beware of buying from GrassCity! has been created.
GrassCity has little integrity and no concern for their customers! They one good thing is a wide range of items. However, it can take 2 months or even long to receive your merchandise. They do not see fit to inform their customers of this fact, either. Also read some reviews, you will see time after time people saying they didn't get the exact item they ordered. It was similar, different color, size, etc...
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i ordered from them a LONG time ago, maybe 6 years, i remember completely forgetting about the order and a month and a half later a package arrives with a customs paper on it. it took so long i had forgotten, and i do distinctly remember the glass bowl i ordered was orange and yellow, not green and blue lke i ordered. quality products but i havent and wouldnt do business with them again
I guess my first question would be, Why are you visiting grasscity in the first place?

Cause I wanted a Cannabuds Pipe and a funguys pipi and they were one of the few sites that came up on google as having them learned my lesson, though!
ought to check out thier Narcs are us forum..........LOL Im banned for life there...........I could be prick and drive em nuts with my VPN but not my style ...let em have the damn place.

No Im not going to tell you why the mod said for life LOL LOL......but trust me I did it on
I ordered a pipe from grasscity once and it only took a little over a week to get here. It looked a bit different from the one in the picture but its a glass piece and im sure its very difficult to create two of the same pieces. I thought my pipe still looked cool though so im not complaining..
i ordered the weedstar double bubble bong from grasscity at the beginning of this month... got my shipping confirm a week ago.. sooo.. hopefully i'll get it next week or.. the next?... honestly i have no expectations of quick shipping.. and to be honest it isn't their fault if it does take a month..
Grasscity do not respect your custom and will not refund if you don't receive the product ,it's hit and miss and in my experience it's definitely a miss