Don't hang your plants upside down


Don't hang your plants upside down after harvest. If you have flushed with clear water, like I don't, why force, at a very high pressure, several grams, or ounces of water through your buds. Only reason to hang upside down is to pop off a lot of the crystal for a kief press. I save big time on drying time, and they seem to smell better.


Well-Known Member
you hang them upside down so there not touching anything dipshit.. also you leave it dark because any powder mildew, mold w.e. nasty needs a small amount of light at some time to get spores incubating... and we dont want that.... thats also why we have humidity, and air movement in check.. and im talking about the actualy drying.. not just growing.... i like to dry in a cool place also...


Well-Known Member
Don't hang your plants upside down after harvest. If you have flushed with clear water, like I don't, why force, at a very high pressure, several grams, or ounces of water through your buds. Only reason to hang upside down is to pop off a lot of the crystal for a kief press. I save big time on drying time, and they seem to smell better.
What? I fail to follow what your trying to say....


Well-Known Member
it wasn't a good statement. But what I think the person is saying is that you should hang your plants right side up and not upside down. This persons reasoning is that the water in the stems will be pulled down by gravity into the buds when upside down causing a longer drying time than if you hang them right side up. Also it seems that this poster is saying that it "flushes" some of the aroma out of the plant.

not saying this correct, but it's my interpretation of what was said.


Well-Known Member
lol somebody direct the op to the nearest jorge cervantes book.... thats funny has hell on more then just one level... {fuck cervantes non growing ass to}

in reality read dj shorts book lol


bud bootlegger
it wasn't a good statement. But what I think the person is saying is that you should hang your plants right side up and not upside down. This persons reasoning is that the water in the stems will be pulled down by gravity into the buds when upside down causing a longer drying time than if you hang them right side up. Also it seems that this poster is saying that it "flushes" some of the aroma out of the plant.

not saying this correct, but it's my interpretation of what was said.
i've got to give it to you, your better at this game than i, cuz i hadn't a clue as to what the op meant.. mwhahaha..


Well-Known Member
it wasn't a good statement. But what I think the person is saying is that you should hang your plants right side up and not upside down. This persons reasoning is that the water in the stems will be pulled down by gravity into the buds when upside down causing a longer drying time than if you hang them right side up. Also it seems that this poster is saying that it "flushes" some of the aroma out of the plant.

not saying this correct, but it's my interpretation of what was said.
its possible... but seems backwards... i can tell ya there more of bare stem on the bottom then the top...... kinda easier like that
lmfao this is what I needed! Ill get right on that and hang all of my plants by the top of the flowers!? ahhhhhahahahahh

Clip them into smaller pieces if you want to save drying save even more cut the fucking stem out all together and put the shit on screens.


bud bootlegger
lol somebody direct the op to the nearest jorge cervantes book.... thats funny has hell on more then just one level... {fuck cervantes non growing ass to}

in reality read dj shorts book lol
do i ever agree about jorge.. the man tries to pass himself as somekind of grow guru, and the dude isn't even a friggin grower.. its incredible how if you act the part long enough, people will actually think that you are what you play yourself off to be.. incredible.. his book is ok, a lil outdated, but its definitely a good read for a complete newb..
i've never read the dj short book, but i'll have to check that out on your recomendation..

Total Head

Well-Known Member
so the guy is saying to hang the buds right side up like how they grow? sounds like you would need to molest the bud to do it. maybe you could get a block of styrofoam and stick the stems in that. holy shit i'm a genius. i don't know about the whole right side up thing, but why the fuck didn't i think of styrofoam before? sounds WAY easier than fucking with strings and twist ties. bwahahahahaha. thanks, op.


New Member
No hes right. When you hang upside down the negative energies flow through the ramastan causing lots of serious dehydrations of bud!


Well-Known Member
or do like i do...put it in darkness and let the soil dry out and plant dry almost completely out before chopping it and that wont be a problem...not that i have heard of this being a problem to begin with


Well-Known Member
this thread is going nowere fast....... you would be better off staring at the afternoon sun for a couple hours.....