Don't just legalize it, free it


Well-Known Member
If you have a document stating it's legal for you to grow weed, remember that implies people without the document are not free. If you are a "caregiver" or sell to dispensaries, you are technically a member of a cartel. If this wasn't the case, the black market would likely vanish. In my opinion, weed is not completely free until a kid can naively grow it in his garden without even knowing what it is without anyone intervening. (as long as he doesn't intend to consume it before he's 13. just kidding.. 18 )

Then there's the issue of some people being taxed higher than others. Marijuana may have some medicinal uses, but it's not fair to make something tax free for one group of "sick patients" while another group of "abusive stoners" have to pay high taxes. Another way of looking at that is "medicinal use" is chronic use, while "recreational use" is occasional use. You tell me which is considered abusing the drug for someone not in serious pain.
I'm just biding my time until July when Oregon finally moves into the legalized MJ camp, when I'll start growing my own. I'm blessed to not have any of the medical problems that would enable me to carry a MJ card, so I've not really been plugged into the movement to legalize until now. A comment on this forum got me to google cannabis and lung cancer and I landed here:

Holy Crap! The government's own medial research body lists study after study that prove the medical benefits of Cannabis. By artificially forcing prices up via burdensome taxes, regulatory fees and bureaucratic obstacles, they are causing suffering and harm up to and including the death of people with chronic medical issues. Couple that with people that are incarcerated, injured and killed by the war on drugs and the toll on innocent people becomes staggering. I'd like to see a lawsuit -- "now Mr Obama, please tell the jury when you knew the results of the scientifically conclusive studies that proved cannabis was a helpful medicine with no serious side effects?"

All this because some people -- and not very many -- can't stand the idea of other people enjoying a good buzz now and then? The thought boggles the mind. Yes, free MJ. Especially, make it free and available to people that need it. And leave the 8% or 10% of us that want to use it for that buzz alone -- we aren't doing anything wrong. Its a fact.
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Moving from a status of prohibited to permission granted from a coercive authority is like letting the slaves have a little garden behind their cabins they can call their own. Oh thank you massa!

What is occurring now, "legalization", is a scam and isn't real freedom. Weed should simply be decriminalized and the free market will sort it out from there.

The idea that free people must have permission to ingest or grow things they ingest is an indication of how deeply indoctrinated people are. If you don't own your own body, somebody else does. Fuck "permission" based legalization. Free people don't need permission, but slaves do.