Dont know what to do with this bud...


Active Member
Hey need some help with this.. Didn't really know where to put it on the forum.. Anyway i live in the north of scotland, just picked up a half q and it seems a little wierd... Its seems so light.... I can crumble the weed up into a fine green powder just with my fingers wtf? Somethings not right here.. Its like green dust in the bag now. Anyway need some advice on wheather to smoke it or not.. Anyone ever had shit like this before?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like pressed kif. I'd take a puff? I was/am under the impression that it cost more than weed.
I googled and found this :"[SIZE=-1]The preparation used (kif) is a powder made from the dried flower of the female plant. It contains 2 to 3% THC and is smoked mixed with tobacco (1/3 of the mixture).


OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol keif is far from what mr.fishy's description describes. Keif is the crystals that have fallen off the plants and it can be pressed to make hash- but in its basic for is just a powder that is best and easiest smoked added to the top of any bowl. It will turn a bowl of regs into a bowl that will actually get you quite high. Keif can have ranging percentages of THC and does not sound like what you got- it does usually cost considerably more.

Take a picture of your funky bud-
or take a test hit- if it taste like weed it prly is... but if its unusual tasting and looking- dump it and stop getting ganja from that source!

keep us posted i wanna know what it is