Well here is my dilemma, my central ac/heat pump is shot and we weren't really to worried about it and it was not priority atm. We'll my father in law seen a used 5 ton rheem on marketplace for a good deal. It was still installed in the house because the seller was waiting for his new unit to be delivered. He said he was only replacing it because he had Biden money to spend and didn't want to fool with it 10 years down the road. The man that installed it originally and serviced it yearly was there and we talked with him about it, and decided to get it. It was july and hot as hell and the house was cold inside and he showed a whole year of power bills (none over 120$) so called every hvac company I could find and as soon as I mentioned the system they all said no, cause it's not guaranteed it will work and I told them I know and accept that risk. still no. I finally got the man who installed and serviced it originally to agree to do it, and as far as I knew all was good. I moved all my stuff upstairs cleaned the basement up so it would be easy to work in, he told me to take all the duct work down cause it would have to be bigger cause old system was 3ton. Well I've called and text and have t heard a peep from him in months now. It's winter no furnace cause he told me to remove it all. If I knew what size duct work I needed I could do all that myself and put everything where it needs to be then have my electrician run the service disconnect and wiring. Then I could try and find someone to just come do the refrigerant lines and the final stuff. I just can't get no one to tell me what I need for duct work.