Don't listen to them LR haters...


Well-Known Member

Thats right boys and girls it is the fire! This is my first time doing any autoflower stuff, and although I kept a positive mindset, I was skeptical. I mean seriously, for someone like me that has been only outdoor I could not fathom this 60 day crap would produce anything to turn my head at. Boy could I have been more wrong.

You are looking at LR 2 Dwarf Mix early harvest 49, yes 49!!!, days from seed. I harvested cause I had 97% Cloudy/3% Amber trics and after reading subcool's thread about experimenting with harvest timelines I took the plunge and chopped a few choice girls.

All these treats are still hanging in my dry box and will then go to cure before I can sample for real, but they were looking so good I quick dried a bowl and..... it is great. Citrus bite with a very pleasant taste (minus the harshness or quick dry of course) super head high from this early harvest. I am typing on it right now and find myself verbose, prolific, garrulous and overall in a great mood. If I am this chill after one bowl of the early harvest I can't wait to see what the full monty will be like.

I know every N00B on RIU seems to gravitate towards lowryder but honestly if you know what you are doing and need this for space or quick cycle reasons it is a great strain with awesome potential and amazing results, 49 F-ing days from seed people... that is retarded. For your reference that cabinet pic from Right to Left is: Left side the three girls in the white box thing who are at day 50(note the two separate strains 2 tall and 1 real short and dark in the front), the middle two plants are completely pollinated and are at day 31, and finally the lone girl on the right is the weaker phenotype from the taller girls on the right and she is also at 50 days but is at least 2 weeks behind her stronger sisters. Finally, the chopped bud pic should be self explanatory.

Enjoy :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
I think the question on everyone's mind will be... what is your final yield? Update when you find out. I have some LR2's at day 38. They're doing great but I have no idea what my yield will be. I will say, they are a lot taller than I thought they'd be- just over 2 feet. I thought they'd be closer to 16 inches.


Well-Known Member
I will let you know when I get there. However from experience I could guess that the three buds I harvested will be dry between 2.7-3.2g total. Then a rough visual estimate of each plant tells me that there is at least 14-20g dry on the bigger girls. I am being very frugal in that estimate and imagine I will get more when all is said and done. Either way I am positive I can get this strain to an ounce per plant with a few more cycles. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
what was the average hight? I noticed in the pictures some were fairly tall but one looked just like a small christmas tree. Do you know what each plant was bred with?


Well-Known Member
what was the average hight? I noticed in the pictures some were fairly tall but one looked just like a small christmas tree. Do you know what each plant was bred with?
The two tall girls on the right are 15 inches and 14 1/3 inches. The tall girl on the left is 13 inches and the small christmas tree is 7 inches.

The mix is from The Joint Doctor and is Lowryder 2, Lowryder 2 x Mazzar, Lowryder 2 x Santa maria. From talking to others and researching I know that the three tall girls are straight LR 2, but obviously one plant is showing a weaker phenotype when it comes to speed of growth and yield. The short christmas tree is one of the Mazzar or Santa Maria experiements but I cannot tell which one. However, that little plant has amazing flowers and is crazy dense (the node spacing is less than 3/4 inch). I pollenated a few buds on her just to have the genetics to play with.

Finally, the two girls that are pollinated completely are LR 2 that showed amazing growth rate and node strength with 10-12 inches of growth and first signs of flower within 18 days from seed. The father is the strongest from a set of three males, who showed sex at day 13 and grew like a monster outside in the rain. I am hoping that their offspring will be quick to flower and provide an even and aggressive growth rate from start to finish. I am interested in experimenting with the smaller christmas tree strain as it would be awesome for getting larger numbers of plants in a small space. Also with the larger strain I will be LST'ing one half and SCROG'ing the other half of my next grow to see if I can increase yield/space ratio. As for long term genetics I will be backcrossing this with NYCD Ryder F1's in the future.


Well-Known Member
more cloudy = more of a 'speed' like high
more amber = more couch lock. but id think 97% is probably a tad too early. let us know how it is


Well-Known Member
Ha ha! I see your using a suncast storage shed for your cab. Ive got two of them right now! LOL. I believe you on the LR. Ive seen amazing buds in short time from others, just haven't tried it myself.... YET...:)


Well-Known Member
more cloudy = more of a 'speed' like high
more amber = more couch lock. but id think 97% is probably a tad too early. let us know how it is
I agree.

However, if you read why I am harvesting early it is based upon an idea obtained through subcool, Personally I am a follower of a lot of subcools methods and I got really amped by reading this thread and thinking about the potential of Indica dominant strains when harvested earlier than normal Hybrid or Sativa guidelines. Obviously I am holding off the majority of this crop until my normal timeframe but I wanted to experience what it would be like at 49 days (at least 13-15 days before I would even normally think of cutting)


Well-Known Member
I'm subscribed *sits and waits to find out your final yeild* I have one lowryder-2 at the moment 60days old today so i'm intrested to know what kind of yeild your going to get.


New Member
yeah i've got some diesel ryders going, might harvest them early as well as i prefer that side of things and can also start flower some ppp that i'm going to be planting but interested to how much you get

just read that amber alert thing, got me excited too lol


Well-Known Member
I hope my LR2 babies do so well. Sadly I only have them on a 16/8 cycle because heat, with the 400w hps, is really an issue. Perhaps the high light intensity will make up for the 2 hours lost time. Fingers crossed!

Love and Light