dont no if i should of done that

[email protected]

Active Member
my plants are growing fine but my mate told me about pruning so i have done it but now i have read that it was not a good idar thery are 2and a half weeks in to flowering and look great i only done it to get more light
i only pruned some lower branches and toke some leaves of pls help me coz they where looking great and dont wont to wreck then now


Well-Known Member
they will survive

they may get a little shock ant stop growing for anywhere from a day to a week, depending on what and how much of it you cut off you could see a little less at harvest time too

any pruning should be done a week befor flowering


New Member
I had a plant given to me that was nearly half dead. I pruned off the dead, and now a couple weeks later shes flowering and has more than made up for what was cut off in what I call" the most rapid plant growth ive ever seen in soil." :D I was nervous to do it, but now I wont hesitate giving the situation again.