Doom's journal of Afgan and Deep Purple


Well-Known Member
Hey all, Ilive in the wonderful State of COlorado and this is my story . So i got set up with a 8x4 grow room starting small with t5 lights for veg may even bud with this for now iwant too do every thing right water nutriants every thing so im going too walk and not run.

so here are some pics , youll see a couple with unknown on them thats becasue we are not sure if there Durban poision norhtern lights or hash plant but there one or the other . the others are 10 afgan and 10 deep purple i orderd from a seed bank. I th ink imay take all theese all the way and make seeds not sure really lol choices choices. but any way here we go my baby's.DSCF1103.jpgView attachment 2517011View attachment 2517014DSCF1112.jpg


Well-Known Member
Glad i checked the little ones in the White cups , i was able too see root's along the side and the bottom. Damn that was fast week and a half from germination GO SUPER THRIVE. any way transplanted them into the 5's i think ill leave them here til lthe end. Im going too need more lights lol DSCF1126.jpgDSCF1127.jpgDSCF1128.jpgDSCF1129.jpg


Well-Known Member
New update week 2.5 for the Afgani 1 month give or take a day few days for Unknowm 1-4 #3 is really getting bushy looks good the other are very short and flat with big leaves DSCF1141.jpgDSCF1143.jpgDSCF1146.jpgDSCF1152.jpgDSCF1154.jpgDSCF1157.jpg


Well-Known Member
DSCF1222.jpgDSCF1223.jpgDSCF1214.jpgDSCF1215.jpgDSCF1216.jpgDSCF1217.jpgDSCF1218.jpgDSCF1219.jpgDSCF1220.jpgTuesday was a month for the Afgan. month and a half on the Unknown and Two weeks for the Deep Purple Looks good too me. Had a hitch or two in the last month,


Well-Known Member
Now where is the updated photos DOOM?!

and addy me back to steam so you can gamez with me and denz already!