Hello, my fellow cannabis enthuasiasts! Glowbuds852 here with my first post. After I ask you what a clone is, I will show you the dope freshest inventions, ideas, diys, tutorials and what have youse.
Disclaimer: Anyone who uses my materials, ideas, inventions, diys, tutorials, to make products for profit who does not give "Glowbuds852 or Glowbuds (I prefer Glowbuds852) proper credit in the name or other forms of recognition, way, fashion in the sale thereof may be subject to and not limited to: severe cursing forever (possibly involving in some way or another a ton of shackles, chains, whips, some wansksta sheet u ain't know bout, and thats right a leather lipstick case) Serious! Serious! Them curses do not play, so don't take my kindness for granted. I offer you my blessings. Also: The devil does not feed you breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks #1, 2, 3, or snacks every two hours in your sleep! No corn pops, ever! Just shrapnel, and your own teeth!
About me: I have a rule for myself as a busy man, "Do not respond more than twice in a row, or my mind leaves the right track. Especially for a repeated question, in this instance, do not even respond with positivity or negativity." But I will try to answer questions, and mingle and all that cuddly stuff.
So here she is, the best corn hash/powder/kief using apparatus, utensil, vessel known to man (at this time). I got plenty of names, but call it what you will. This utensil/apparatus that is the healthiest way to consume concentrates of any kind, w/o transmitted diseases, combustion, butane residue, carcinogens, and many other benefits. Batteries not included. The resulting experiences will be a much more pur, blissful, healthy, and happy experience. The quality is fantastic, and the flavors will be the most unbelieveable you can fathom. My friend likes to pair the choices of smokes with a bacon double cheeseburger from the cleanest NAPA Valley Burger King Around.(that was a joke)
But in all honesty, this will help addicts of all kinds at least find a healthier/ less addicting way to consume their goods w/o risk of sewing machine needle spread diseases, and hopefully make the switch to hashish instead. Also, getting off the devil's crack (putting in the tips of cigarettes, which can lead to severe chain-chain smoking!) (like every 15 minutes, juno). I assume it will also work for Twizzy, Henron, Mollypops, Jay-Dubya-haych, all them new ones, Free Willy from the base?, and maybe strawberry Crystal light. When you cut down, make the switch to hash. The money you will save is tremendous. Try to minimize it to like once a week, stock up on carrots for the day after, and think about how easy your life is in comparison to people who have it a lot worse. I want to help you in any way I can, its all love. From Junk users, crack dealers, schroom cultivists (I assume psilocyban/thc extract works), housewives, doctors, computer whizzes, to Kids Hip Hop Nursery Rhyme Rappers (Master E, and Tynz are the shizzneat, cop his hit album dog, for rizzy The Hip-Hop Nursery Rhyme Collection Volume 1.
Do not smoke every day or couple days either, your tolerance will skyrocket. Because as Jason king says next thing you know its OG kush dipped in honey oil, coated in 70 micron blonde sift, dripped with oil again, wrapped in thin layered fresh 70 micron trainwreck bubble, rolled on a pattern, then sealed to oxidize with desicant in as compact of glass jar as will fit, switched jars, buryed with organic corn husks for 3 months-55 years (shark excluded for homies in Denmark, or was it Greenland or Iceland. Really no offense, shows my naïve american stereotypes that I try to rid. I still thought it would be funny though. Sorry, no pun intended . You can break some out for your grandchildren when their old enough. By the way, 1980s leaves taste like shit in 2005!
Back to usage, it is easier to control since you can self titrate 1 hit every once in a while. Also, BE CAREFUL, take two and you won't be able to read the new Skunk magazine, or dingo-taming history, or whatever you're into. Make sure you can still walk around too!
If you cant comprehend what youre reading youre too high. Yep, when slid into a cutting tube for plants, this fits in the holiest of holes as well I would guess. Replace the needles, do yourself a favor. Just be sure to tape the end up real fudgin good I would think. I wouldn't know, just know people who have had to go to these resorts. HAHA get it, resorts!
This one's foooooooooooooooooour: the janitor at the weather research center in Antartica making $23,000 a year! I bet his snot frozen facemask never unsticks to his face and he feels like hes gonna piss himself all day at work!
Also: Do not operate light machinery, or pick your toenails (or eat them, unless theyre really good ones). Take with food or milk.
Alright, Lets get down to beezeness.
I have considered tons of designs, most options, and whatnots. These can be made shorter, but it works good. Also glass on glass, manufacturing prototypes, AutoCAD, paying for screen designs to made since they'll need to convert even if you autocad, 3d drawing, etc... This is simple, but can easily be blown. But glass inside glass, consumer liability, can be an issue + this+that. There's a way around anything though!
Total cost: 75 cents- $2.00 (US Dollars) O yah, youll need a vaporizer. I suggest the Hot box, Very High Quality. I bought myself one right after graduating high school as a graduation present to myself. I believe it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. You should get a Health Insurance Premium Discount or something, but. They pay themselves off in the first couple weeks. Do you enjoy butane headaches or clear headedness? Drop some 10 spots on it.
Materials: 1 oz dropper bottle dropper, top cap removed (you may need to use multiples, up to three, but 3 is a good rule of thumb) if you waste more than three you're dispicable. Just Kidding
1-5 1" pipe screens, ahhh any size will do but 1 in" is better because you get your pipe screen cut as well as the spiral cutout.
Scissors (don't funk up you're good ones, you want a sturdy one that you ain't afraid to rough up a little) So tighter between the blades. Wally-world- Fiskars $2.87, good quality for a rough stuff pair. (I should have told you children's and came up with a fake reason just to punk you!)
1oz dropper bottle
An Icepick, I dunno maybe you borrowed one from a trip to the hotel? I found mine laying in the corner of my mini tools tote for tools. Ouch!
1-3 pens with different size tips
A 3 hole punch/or just use scissors (1 hole punches don't work for screens)
Cost, So first you find a dropper bottle. You will want the 1 oz size, as the length is perfect for the hot box two-piece hands free whip. If you have a one piece it'll work, and the 2 oz length will probably work. But for two piece whips, the 1oz is shorter which is a plus. Now, the ones I own have a curved tip at the end, yours may not. Basically the aim is to have a smaller opening, but not to have it as wide as the opening. This is so you can slide the tube into the screen with a tight fit. Also, the open end will have a ridge for the tube to be held to the screen. You'll see. So then we grab a triangular file, flat may work? and in curvededgespot picture you'll see that where the edge hangs over is where you will file the end off on a padded surface like your robert connel clarke marijuana botany or what have you. you just file and eventually it should snap off clean but be sure to keep a descending shape to keep stuff in place and for screen placement/stand. File the glass a little if needed, start over if there are any cracks or jagged points. I want to emphasize this, we don't want anyone to get a hole in their lungs or anything. I had to do this twice, because I tried a different method with spoon, and that didn't work. You will need a file, and to file it. Okay it may have if I scored with the file first but whatever (some stoners forget stuff on occassion). You need a file. Sandpaper of whatever grit would also work for smoothing the tip.
Then start cutting the 1 inch pipe screen where shown in StartCutting Here, then cut out in moonlike shape as shown in CutoutMoonShape. Then twist with fingers as shown in Spiralmoon. Yes, just like the sandwitch bag roll. I can school any of you in a a bag twist off if you'd like! Just Kidding, I don't mean to come off cocky, just funny. Then ball up a tiny bit of scrap screen you using needle nose, fingers, whatever. trim metal fringes for safety,in fact anytime cutting a screen. Then insert the ball to bottom of tube. Then spiral the spiral screen on in. Now, here's where it gets tricky. Three hole punching or cutting out perfect circles to set on top of the spiral so that no material goes out the sides. A hole punch size is close but not exactly perfect. Plus, getting it in is a hassle. So curving it a little and putting curve side down on first helps. Then as many of those as you needed. By the way, I bent my three hole punch, but it stills works you just have to pull the screen out by hand. So, the choice is yours, but for me it was worth it. So test with finely ground tobacco, coffee grinded a bunch. It will work with as many as screens as you need. BY the way, you might want to flame test or flame the screens and wipe off butane residue while hot with spit and shirt/sock. The new metal taste isn't pleasant. I use a culinary torch with needle nose for that. I didn't do that in the picture.
Then start working on your screen to insert the tube into. Start hole in center with icepick, pull down all the way to handle. Then make tiny slits with your scissors, the same scissors will work otherwise tin snips. I think three slits, equally dispursed around the hole. Then try some diff pens, pull down a little, check the tube, try to pull a little more, check, slit a little further, pull down, check, until it slides in their real motherfargin smooth. Then, You're pretty much done. Grab your medication bottle, and turn it upside down. Poke a hole with icepick, and I think I used a screw I had laying there. No, it was a drill bit. Match the tube to right size, but under so you can adjust from there. Careful, we wouldn't want to waste any medication bottles would we? Then get it to slide in real motherfargin smooth just as we did with the screen. You use this hold steady for packing wich I have shown with a knife. Use the tip of your knife, paper funnels (hemp paper, hemp oiled closed might work), etcc. I also have designs for these in upcoming posts. I just had to get this out there in a hurry, before someone rips it and claims himself Mack Daddy (see disclaimer). I dont claim I am, plus you dont and wont know me anyways.
How to use: Pack the material, tap with tip of knife, or whatever. You could break the tube through paper to set on top for misses if you want. Then set another circular hole punched metal over this. THIS IS IMPORTANT:THIS IS THE REASON I ORIGINALLY WANTED TO MAKE THIS. The air will pull loose kief and hash out into the base unit beacause of airflow, suction, and other stuff. That is why you put a screen over top of material because it will try to fly out. This happens when placing kief over herbs in regular vaporizing, which is why I wanted a smaller surface area tube, plus to not have to have material and going through herbs/screen. So make sure to get the screen over the top of material so it works right. Now, residue will get the screen sticking and whatnot, but if it's pretty pure just keep vaping until it doesn't. (finish next time, if ya gotta). Or throwaway, and make new one if you gotta. I cant wait to see one of these laying in an alley!
Anyways, tilt the tube down when hitting and use care not to tip it. You don't want it dripping out end, and when you take apart the whip set it tilted down so it doesn't drip out. Use a towel or something. Also, wait for the wand to cool down properly to the touch. Or under 100 degrees in general. With tobbaco or anything, if you don't wait for the wand or the materials to cool down, it won't produce vapors, it will just waste active ingredients without vapor. I used a IR laser to kind of get the temp down, carefully. 100 degrees or under usually is okay to hit. Plus the temp reading sucks on glass, lasers and glass don't mix. Its very hard to get a accurate reading of the temperature of glass even with flir. But anyways, short quick powerful draws vs: holding the wand at the heat source for longer, and longer draws. Hot Box is the way to go. High quality. And we keep an extra whip or two.
TIP: Also start drawing a little bit before placing whip up to the heater cover to prevent material from coming out.
Get the tube up to the hole in the heater cover tilted slightly down. (without the metal screen at end. read following.
Also, use caution and study your vaporizer. Some heater covers have metal screens and metal parts close to cover so you never know. I don't want anyone getting shocked so pay attention. I don't know all of the vaporizers, just the biggest and best 1's. You never know, it is a possibility.
Look for more ultra-mackdown stuff coming soon. I have many many inventive ideas, designs, that solve many of your grow room problems, stoning problems, generally mack out your stoning gear, and make things run smoother than Dolemite at a Beauty Pagent. Believe me, my posts could take a lifetime with how busy I am. I hope you and your lungs the best of fate. Don't forget your aspirin, stay true, and never a day blue. Glowbuds852, LOVE, RESPECT, PEACE.
There are 24 Total Pictures. I will break them into a few posts since, it took too long, and errors occur.
Disclaimer: Anyone who uses my materials, ideas, inventions, diys, tutorials, to make products for profit who does not give "Glowbuds852 or Glowbuds (I prefer Glowbuds852) proper credit in the name or other forms of recognition, way, fashion in the sale thereof may be subject to and not limited to: severe cursing forever (possibly involving in some way or another a ton of shackles, chains, whips, some wansksta sheet u ain't know bout, and thats right a leather lipstick case) Serious! Serious! Them curses do not play, so don't take my kindness for granted. I offer you my blessings. Also: The devil does not feed you breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks #1, 2, 3, or snacks every two hours in your sleep! No corn pops, ever! Just shrapnel, and your own teeth!
About me: I have a rule for myself as a busy man, "Do not respond more than twice in a row, or my mind leaves the right track. Especially for a repeated question, in this instance, do not even respond with positivity or negativity." But I will try to answer questions, and mingle and all that cuddly stuff.
So here she is, the best corn hash/powder/kief using apparatus, utensil, vessel known to man (at this time). I got plenty of names, but call it what you will. This utensil/apparatus that is the healthiest way to consume concentrates of any kind, w/o transmitted diseases, combustion, butane residue, carcinogens, and many other benefits. Batteries not included. The resulting experiences will be a much more pur, blissful, healthy, and happy experience. The quality is fantastic, and the flavors will be the most unbelieveable you can fathom. My friend likes to pair the choices of smokes with a bacon double cheeseburger from the cleanest NAPA Valley Burger King Around.(that was a joke)
But in all honesty, this will help addicts of all kinds at least find a healthier/ less addicting way to consume their goods w/o risk of sewing machine needle spread diseases, and hopefully make the switch to hashish instead. Also, getting off the devil's crack (putting in the tips of cigarettes, which can lead to severe chain-chain smoking!) (like every 15 minutes, juno). I assume it will also work for Twizzy, Henron, Mollypops, Jay-Dubya-haych, all them new ones, Free Willy from the base?, and maybe strawberry Crystal light. When you cut down, make the switch to hash. The money you will save is tremendous. Try to minimize it to like once a week, stock up on carrots for the day after, and think about how easy your life is in comparison to people who have it a lot worse. I want to help you in any way I can, its all love. From Junk users, crack dealers, schroom cultivists (I assume psilocyban/thc extract works), housewives, doctors, computer whizzes, to Kids Hip Hop Nursery Rhyme Rappers (Master E, and Tynz are the shizzneat, cop his hit album dog, for rizzy The Hip-Hop Nursery Rhyme Collection Volume 1.
Do not smoke every day or couple days either, your tolerance will skyrocket. Because as Jason king says next thing you know its OG kush dipped in honey oil, coated in 70 micron blonde sift, dripped with oil again, wrapped in thin layered fresh 70 micron trainwreck bubble, rolled on a pattern, then sealed to oxidize with desicant in as compact of glass jar as will fit, switched jars, buryed with organic corn husks for 3 months-55 years (shark excluded for homies in Denmark, or was it Greenland or Iceland. Really no offense, shows my naïve american stereotypes that I try to rid. I still thought it would be funny though. Sorry, no pun intended . You can break some out for your grandchildren when their old enough. By the way, 1980s leaves taste like shit in 2005!
Back to usage, it is easier to control since you can self titrate 1 hit every once in a while. Also, BE CAREFUL, take two and you won't be able to read the new Skunk magazine, or dingo-taming history, or whatever you're into. Make sure you can still walk around too!
If you cant comprehend what youre reading youre too high. Yep, when slid into a cutting tube for plants, this fits in the holiest of holes as well I would guess. Replace the needles, do yourself a favor. Just be sure to tape the end up real fudgin good I would think. I wouldn't know, just know people who have had to go to these resorts. HAHA get it, resorts!
This one's foooooooooooooooooour: the janitor at the weather research center in Antartica making $23,000 a year! I bet his snot frozen facemask never unsticks to his face and he feels like hes gonna piss himself all day at work!
Also: Do not operate light machinery, or pick your toenails (or eat them, unless theyre really good ones). Take with food or milk.
Alright, Lets get down to beezeness.
I have considered tons of designs, most options, and whatnots. These can be made shorter, but it works good. Also glass on glass, manufacturing prototypes, AutoCAD, paying for screen designs to made since they'll need to convert even if you autocad, 3d drawing, etc... This is simple, but can easily be blown. But glass inside glass, consumer liability, can be an issue + this+that. There's a way around anything though!
Total cost: 75 cents- $2.00 (US Dollars) O yah, youll need a vaporizer. I suggest the Hot box, Very High Quality. I bought myself one right after graduating high school as a graduation present to myself. I believe it was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. You should get a Health Insurance Premium Discount or something, but. They pay themselves off in the first couple weeks. Do you enjoy butane headaches or clear headedness? Drop some 10 spots on it.
Materials: 1 oz dropper bottle dropper, top cap removed (you may need to use multiples, up to three, but 3 is a good rule of thumb) if you waste more than three you're dispicable. Just Kidding
1-5 1" pipe screens, ahhh any size will do but 1 in" is better because you get your pipe screen cut as well as the spiral cutout.
Scissors (don't funk up you're good ones, you want a sturdy one that you ain't afraid to rough up a little) So tighter between the blades. Wally-world- Fiskars $2.87, good quality for a rough stuff pair. (I should have told you children's and came up with a fake reason just to punk you!)
1oz dropper bottle
An Icepick, I dunno maybe you borrowed one from a trip to the hotel? I found mine laying in the corner of my mini tools tote for tools. Ouch!
1-3 pens with different size tips
A 3 hole punch/or just use scissors (1 hole punches don't work for screens)
Cost, So first you find a dropper bottle. You will want the 1 oz size, as the length is perfect for the hot box two-piece hands free whip. If you have a one piece it'll work, and the 2 oz length will probably work. But for two piece whips, the 1oz is shorter which is a plus. Now, the ones I own have a curved tip at the end, yours may not. Basically the aim is to have a smaller opening, but not to have it as wide as the opening. This is so you can slide the tube into the screen with a tight fit. Also, the open end will have a ridge for the tube to be held to the screen. You'll see. So then we grab a triangular file, flat may work? and in curvededgespot picture you'll see that where the edge hangs over is where you will file the end off on a padded surface like your robert connel clarke marijuana botany or what have you. you just file and eventually it should snap off clean but be sure to keep a descending shape to keep stuff in place and for screen placement/stand. File the glass a little if needed, start over if there are any cracks or jagged points. I want to emphasize this, we don't want anyone to get a hole in their lungs or anything. I had to do this twice, because I tried a different method with spoon, and that didn't work. You will need a file, and to file it. Okay it may have if I scored with the file first but whatever (some stoners forget stuff on occassion). You need a file. Sandpaper of whatever grit would also work for smoothing the tip.
Then start cutting the 1 inch pipe screen where shown in StartCutting Here, then cut out in moonlike shape as shown in CutoutMoonShape. Then twist with fingers as shown in Spiralmoon. Yes, just like the sandwitch bag roll. I can school any of you in a a bag twist off if you'd like! Just Kidding, I don't mean to come off cocky, just funny. Then ball up a tiny bit of scrap screen you using needle nose, fingers, whatever. trim metal fringes for safety,in fact anytime cutting a screen. Then insert the ball to bottom of tube. Then spiral the spiral screen on in. Now, here's where it gets tricky. Three hole punching or cutting out perfect circles to set on top of the spiral so that no material goes out the sides. A hole punch size is close but not exactly perfect. Plus, getting it in is a hassle. So curving it a little and putting curve side down on first helps. Then as many of those as you needed. By the way, I bent my three hole punch, but it stills works you just have to pull the screen out by hand. So, the choice is yours, but for me it was worth it. So test with finely ground tobacco, coffee grinded a bunch. It will work with as many as screens as you need. BY the way, you might want to flame test or flame the screens and wipe off butane residue while hot with spit and shirt/sock. The new metal taste isn't pleasant. I use a culinary torch with needle nose for that. I didn't do that in the picture.
Then start working on your screen to insert the tube into. Start hole in center with icepick, pull down all the way to handle. Then make tiny slits with your scissors, the same scissors will work otherwise tin snips. I think three slits, equally dispursed around the hole. Then try some diff pens, pull down a little, check the tube, try to pull a little more, check, slit a little further, pull down, check, until it slides in their real motherfargin smooth. Then, You're pretty much done. Grab your medication bottle, and turn it upside down. Poke a hole with icepick, and I think I used a screw I had laying there. No, it was a drill bit. Match the tube to right size, but under so you can adjust from there. Careful, we wouldn't want to waste any medication bottles would we? Then get it to slide in real motherfargin smooth just as we did with the screen. You use this hold steady for packing wich I have shown with a knife. Use the tip of your knife, paper funnels (hemp paper, hemp oiled closed might work), etcc. I also have designs for these in upcoming posts. I just had to get this out there in a hurry, before someone rips it and claims himself Mack Daddy (see disclaimer). I dont claim I am, plus you dont and wont know me anyways.
How to use: Pack the material, tap with tip of knife, or whatever. You could break the tube through paper to set on top for misses if you want. Then set another circular hole punched metal over this. THIS IS IMPORTANT:THIS IS THE REASON I ORIGINALLY WANTED TO MAKE THIS. The air will pull loose kief and hash out into the base unit beacause of airflow, suction, and other stuff. That is why you put a screen over top of material because it will try to fly out. This happens when placing kief over herbs in regular vaporizing, which is why I wanted a smaller surface area tube, plus to not have to have material and going through herbs/screen. So make sure to get the screen over the top of material so it works right. Now, residue will get the screen sticking and whatnot, but if it's pretty pure just keep vaping until it doesn't. (finish next time, if ya gotta). Or throwaway, and make new one if you gotta. I cant wait to see one of these laying in an alley!
Anyways, tilt the tube down when hitting and use care not to tip it. You don't want it dripping out end, and when you take apart the whip set it tilted down so it doesn't drip out. Use a towel or something. Also, wait for the wand to cool down properly to the touch. Or under 100 degrees in general. With tobbaco or anything, if you don't wait for the wand or the materials to cool down, it won't produce vapors, it will just waste active ingredients without vapor. I used a IR laser to kind of get the temp down, carefully. 100 degrees or under usually is okay to hit. Plus the temp reading sucks on glass, lasers and glass don't mix. Its very hard to get a accurate reading of the temperature of glass even with flir. But anyways, short quick powerful draws vs: holding the wand at the heat source for longer, and longer draws. Hot Box is the way to go. High quality. And we keep an extra whip or two.
TIP: Also start drawing a little bit before placing whip up to the heater cover to prevent material from coming out.
Get the tube up to the hole in the heater cover tilted slightly down. (without the metal screen at end. read following.
Also, use caution and study your vaporizer. Some heater covers have metal screens and metal parts close to cover so you never know. I don't want anyone getting shocked so pay attention. I don't know all of the vaporizers, just the biggest and best 1's. You never know, it is a possibility.
Look for more ultra-mackdown stuff coming soon. I have many many inventive ideas, designs, that solve many of your grow room problems, stoning problems, generally mack out your stoning gear, and make things run smoother than Dolemite at a Beauty Pagent. Believe me, my posts could take a lifetime with how busy I am. I hope you and your lungs the best of fate. Don't forget your aspirin, stay true, and never a day blue. Glowbuds852, LOVE, RESPECT, PEACE.
There are 24 Total Pictures. I will break them into a few posts since, it took too long, and errors occur.
pic24 final product-keepitontiltWOlosing.jpg39 KB · Views: 90
pic1 2oz&1oz.jpg64.8 KB · Views: 78
pic2 pcurvededgespot.jpg20.8 KB · Views: 69
pic3 Filedatspot.jpg49.3 KB · Views: 67
pic4 Spoonmethodnobueno.jpg39.1 KB · Views: 62
pic5 Startcuttinghere.jpg63 KB · Views: 60
pic6 Cutoutmoonshape.jpg32 KB · Views: 55
pic7 Spiralmoon.jpg37.9 KB · Views: 53
pic8 tube1.jpg30.2 KB · Views: 51
pic9 tube2.jpg35.7 KB · Views: 51
pic10 Tube3.jpg35.3 KB · Views: 49
pic11 Treeholepunch.jpg41.1 KB · Views: 52
pic12 Punchyourscreens.jpg25.4 KB · Views: 49
pic13 Holestarted.jpg72.4 KB · Views: 50
pic14 Finishholewitpen.jpg39.1 KB · Views: 54
pic16 Icepickhole.jpg39.4 KB · Views: 56
pic17 Takewithmilkorfood.jpg67.4 KB · Views: 56
pic18 packeruptakeoffscreen1stmybad.jpg47.8 KB · Views: 56
pic19 taptaptippitytap.jpg63.2 KB · Views: 63
pic20 taptaptippitytapdose.jpg63.8 KB · Views: 57
pic21 Cuttingtube.jpg40.2 KB · Views: 63
pic22 with a foil tophat.jpg89 KB · Views: 78
pic23 ifyagottaTAPEit.jpg37.8 KB · Views: 70