Dopeys Indoor Purple Kush #1


Well-Known Member
Well, its kinda late to be starting a journal as i am already about 2 weeks into veg. But I figured what the hell. I got nothin better to do right?. Anyway, down to business. I am growing 4 purple kush plants in a schultz premium potting soil mix on a 18/6 lighting schedule. I am growing under 8 cfls currently but definitely plan on getting more and some tube cfls for the side growth. 5 of my cfls are ott grow lights which i am actually very impressed with so far. The other 3 are regular 6700k 23w cfls. I am trying a little bit of an experiment and i am growing 2 plants under just ott lites and i am growin one under 1 ott lite and one normal cfl and the other plant is growing under only regular 6700k cfls. I'm curious to see if these grow lights actually live up ti there reputaion or if they are a waste of money and i should just buy regular bulbs. I think im going to use anything really for nutes as i am quite keen on the all natural aspect of things. I'm going to use organic nutes probably for sure. I also think i might use molasses during flower because i have heard it makes your buds sweet. However that is in the future and i will worry about it when the time comes. I have no problems if anyone wants to post in my journal. I am very open to advice and criticism. Every day should be a learning experience.



Looking good man! :-P Will be starting to grow myself very soon so its good to see how other people are doing it (plus I generally just adore looking at peoples grow journals aha)
Some Purple Kush would be lovely right now :weed:
Keep the updates coming, will be watching

Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
Well, I blacked out my window so because the daylight hours here are so long because i am so far north right now with work. Anyway, i figured i did a really good job making it all black with the tinfoil, you couldn't even see any light coming thru or anything. Turns out when my grow lights come on at 4:30am they are rather bright even tho they the light is only coming thru the cracks. So i decided to hang a blanket in front of it to prevent light leaks. It worked great! However when i took the blanket down to go inside it was quite warm inside. I'm not so comfortable going to work all day long and leaving it like this so i decided to leave the blanket off during the day when the lights are on and put it up right before i go to bed. The lights usually turn off when i go to bed or just after and turn back on like 2 hours before i have to get up, so i don't worry to much about it being a little warm for the first few hours in the morning. Its not blazing hot or anything they are only cfl's. Any ideas??? Cutting holes is not really an option.

Great day today! Got off work early because of the rain! Get to come home and take some hits off the G-bong instead. Fuck ya! Some days i love being a roofer. Fuck that work shit tho. Lets talk GANJA! Watered my plants yesterday. I've been watering them about a liter each every 3 or 4 days. Usually i go by how the soil feels a few inches down. They seem to be getting a little cramped for space under that light, almost as if they cant grow anymore because they know there is nowhere else to grow, so i raised the lights an inch or 2. Anyone have any thoughts on this?? Is it possible to have your lights to low?? i mean i know that you can burn your leaves and all but do you also need to raise lights in order for plants to be able to grow up??? Another thing i noticed was one of the leaves on a couple of the plants was starting to kinda curl a little bit kinda. It seems to be on the few leaves that are the closest to the light so I'm guessing its probably getting a little bit to close to the lights. Maybe burning??? I took a few pics, let me know what you think the problem is. Also I still don't really notice any difference in using different lights other than the foliage on one of the plants is a little lighte green. I'm thinking about going home to and quitting my job to g work for another company because there are a bunch of idiots here but the drive is a 15 hour drive. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to bring my crop home with me. Think it would be ok to put them in a rubbermaid box??? In the dark the whole time then back to veg when i get home??? or should i like try to devise some hi-tech way to like wire something up so i can continue my light cycle while we drive??? Or should i just scrap them and start a new crop all over again when i get there??? i have a really hard time scrapping any plant that I don't know is a male. All that hard work for nothing. I feel like I'm taking a life lol. Anyway, gotta go. Ciao



Well-Known Member
No they are just bag seed that i got out of a bag of purple kush my co-workers buddy grew. Not sure if the plant was a hermie or if it was pollinated by a male. So i guess there is a chance it could be purple kush mixed with something else.


Well-Known Member
So turns out lifting the light a couple inches was a good idea. Its still the same day, well evening, and they have grown a considerable amount more since i have lifted the lights. all the side branches are starting to really fill out. I've decided to number my plants 1-4 so that if i can keep track of which ones have problems and what not and be able to have a reference number when i am talking about a certain one. 1 being the one on the left and 4 the one on the right.



Well-Known Member
so yesterday i decided that plant #3 needed some lst, so i got my little piece of wire and tied it and started pulling it over and i was like "meh, maybe a little more", and all of the sudden SNAP! I broke the main stock. Sort of near the top tho, so i think i will still live. It didnt breakright off so i just proped it up so that it was like still kinda connceted to itself and only one leaf is kinda wilted all the rest are still healthy and its been about 15 hours. On saturday i am going home and i want to bring my plants home with me, and it is a 15 hour drive. anyone know how i can get them home without interfering with their light cycle? I'll post some pics later, gf is sleeping, and i dont want to open the bright closet and wake her up.


Well-Known Member
Well i moved 15 hours away and i was going to bring my plants with me but my gf ddnt want to drive with them in her car in a rubbermaid box so i gave 3 away to the local stoners and one i had to destroy because she was going to let me bring it until the very last minute. So its over However, we just bought a house so we are going to dedicate one of the rooms to growing, and grow probably 15 plants. I think i m going to switch from cfl to hps tho. What should i do??? HELP ME!! lol. i need advice. i've never grow with hps or this many plants. I NEED SOME ADVICE ON SETTING UP MY GROWROOM!