'Dotties' aka 'spots'

Master Beat

New Member
Was just wondering if it is true that spots are only a NZ thing? You see i do them all the time, probebly more than any other way of smoking and i just find it weird that other cultures dont do spots. It gets you baked as a cake and it conservs the pot, which is handy if your tight on money(like me)
i couldnt be botherd explaining so i just copied and pasted from webehigh.com
The most popular way of smoking bud in NZ is 'spots', which entails squeezing a small piece of bud between two hot
knives and capturing the smoke produced in a plastic or glass bottle with the bottom cut off.


Well-Known Member
Was just wondering if it is true that spots are only a NZ thing? You see i do them all the time, probebly more than any other way of smoking and i just find it weird that other cultures dont do spots. It gets you baked as a cake and it conservs the pot, which is handy if your tight on money(like me)
i couldnt be botherd explaining so i just copied and pasted from webehigh.com
The most popular way of smoking bud in NZ is 'spots', which entails squeezing a small piece of bud between two hot
knives and capturing the smoke produced in a plastic or glass bottle with the bottom cut off.
Hehehe. You know, last year I met some Moari folk who lived in the c/van park we were at. He asked me if I wanted a few spots, so me thinking..."mmmmmm hash" went over. That was the first time I had ever seen anyone spotting bud over a stove with two knives.

Yep, I think it might be unique to Kiwis :)


Green Thumb of God
We call it Knife Rips but I've only smoked hash like that. I know a lot of people that smoke hash that way out here though.


Well-Known Member
ive never heard of that in my life, but it sounds like too much work and probably some burnt fingers


Well-Known Member
Naaah I'm sure I saw the two dudes who gets blamed for everything in Trailer Park Boys doing it when the guys came out of jail... could be series 2 ep 1.

Such a waste though...

In South African culture few people bother with the utensil most of you guys use... here it is basicaly either joints or bottle necks... which involves heating a ring around a beer bottle neck with a lighter, then put some spit on your fingers and slap the hot ring... it normaly cracks off pretty clean around the heated area due to the sudden contraction. You then roll a long worm out of cigaret pack foil, and roll that up into a coil which plugs the opening of the bottle you smoke through, acting as a filter letting only smoke through...

Hits a bit harder than a joint though... you can feel it from your toes running allthe way over the skin of your back when you take a good hit... more social than smokeing a joint... but I tend to smoke alone so I just smoke joints... still smoke over 100 grammes a month... Also it will over time give you yellowed palms... you hold it at the filter end by makeing an OK sign with your thumb and index finger , basicaly extending the bottle neck by the width of a finger, the smoke is then sucked through the hand... the glass would burn your lips...

Master Beat

New Member
Now that is a fucked up way of smoking.... reading it for the 4th time now and i still dont get it... maybe im just too baked

Master Beat

New Member
bone hande or plastic handle knives so you dont burn your hands, though once, cant remember if they were bone or plastic, but the knives blew up, luckely i wasnt holding them. cut off the bottle about half way or smash a beer, wine bottle or whatever in half. A good tip actually is to leave a glass spotting bottle, or as us kiwis call them "spottle", in the feezer, this way it when you use iot its nice and cold an cools down the smoke a great deal.
Now there are two ways of 'driving' a spot, theres the flip method and the stick method. With the flip method you use both knives to flip the dot onto one of the knives, the stick method you just push one of the knives onto the spot so it sticks onto it and the raise it up into the spottle and slowly sqeeze the knives together. you should aim to get the dot near the ends of the knives and angle the knives diagonaly into the spottle.
there has also been a type of spottle made called a 'spong' which combines elements of the bong with spottle for spots. it is quite complicated and i think it involves 3 different bottles put together so you can somehow get the smoke to go through water but im not sure how it works, though i do know it works VERY well.
man i love spots.
peace and good spotting


Well-Known Member
I'll take some pics for you sometime... I don;t realy drink, so i would need to pirate a bottle somewhere...

It realy does look a bit fucked up, but trust me you only need one or two drags and you are baked.

The reason it is so popular is that you don't have to carry any bongs and crap with you when you go out... you pick up a bottle make a pipe, and smash it on the tar when you are done....

Hehe.. can't wait to make one again... getting stash tommorrow... so, I might make one to show you... its a bit much for one person though... you need at least one other guy to help you finish it.

Master Beat

New Member
sweet dude, could be one of those things i can bust out and surprise people with who have never seen it.. "what a tripper"


Well-Known Member
lol @ hot knifing.

i used to do this when i was 15. its not even worth it. just make a joint out of it. and i only used to do this with hash obviously and whats the point..... didnt do anything for me.

edit: and its alot of messing around


Well-Known Member
Not only is hotknifing a long, inefficient way of smoking cannabis, but being stoned as fuck with a red hot knife sounds pretty god damn stupid anyway..