double big bud


Well-Known Member
hi all just started a new grow was jus wanting to know what people would recomend to do
lst. top. or supercrop witch would be best. and does lst and supercrop achieave the same thing


Active Member
depends on where your growing will it be inside outside what hight limit do you have you gonna use cfl hps led


Well-Known Member
how many plants ?

I like FIM .. followed by some light LST to keep all the new shoots spread out a bit ..


here is my two plants .. fist indoor I do .. under a 600W HPS


left is LST .. one on the right is FIM .. did try boath to see what I like most ..
not like outdoor .. need to keep em low and with a pretty even canorpy when you grow inside/under a lamp ..

thats day one of 12/12 and day 30