Double Bonsi mother and cloner ideas

tick tack toe

Well-Known Member
I have decided that I would like two mother plants. I'm limited on space so I want to keep this as small as possible. This is the first time I have gone in this direction so I need support.

While I would like to keep the plants year round (a few years) but I am only a personal grower. This means that I only grow about twice a year and each time I grow I am looking at about 15 clones from each plant (is that possible?)

What would be the best light to use that uses the least amount of power and able to keep the bulb close to the plant. Would this be cfl lighting or t5?

What size box would I need for 2 bonsi mothers? I am thinking of just putting the clones in my tent. If I was to include them in my mother box, how much space would I need for 30 clones?