Doubletake 4000 watt grow (soil


Well-Known Member
Yep...I can easily do that. This may be the dumbest question but..are autos always seeds, not clones?
Haha it's ok and yeah always seed because once you start them that "90 day clock starts" so if you took a cutting it would just flower as it's rooting like you wouldn't have time to grow it if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Whats up mane how the whole grow go what you pull from the outdoor
Hey dude I trunk I got right under 5 from 29 plants I didn't weigh exactly but kinda could add it up from what I donated out. And lots of super good trim to make wax I blasted it all the first month and it was super blonde from being fresh.

They got big in the 10 gallon pots for autos like 5 to 6 feet in the pot.
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