Doubts about electrical consuption


New Member
Hello, I am new here and I am thinking to start something good ;)

My doubts are: in my house we use right now washing machine, a pc, a laptop and we iron daily. Does this electrical consuption can be similar to 2 600W hps, with full functional growroom? And just one 600W?



Well-Known Member
Check your electricity bill. That'll tell you how much electricity you use over a period of time. Alternatively take a meter reading. It should be in kWh (kilowatt hours). Check it again at the same time the next day (or even better in a week) and you'll see how much electricity you use. Anything else is a guess.

For reference a 600W light uses 0.6kWh per hour (or 14.4kWh per day or 100.8kWh per week).


Well-Known Member
Figure 2 times your bill now, easy running 1800 watts, even at 12/12. You own or rent.? If you pay the bill it won't matter, as long as you fork over the cash. There will never be an issue, as long as you are paying for it. My electrical usage is 225% above my surrounding neighbors, and has been so for years, so don't worry about that aspect of growing, which one consideration is, will I get noticed by my electrical bill. No, you won't.
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