Downturned leaves, need a soil uprgade.


Active Member
Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to look this over and help me with my plant problems, you help the novice growers immensely.

So about the problem, i've used the search feature to identify the outline of my problems, if anyone could directly address these issues it would help alot.

Im growing in soil, currently vegging under CFL's, i've started all from seed, from 4 different bags of different weeds from around the state, hoping to get a nice diverse spread of strains. Anyways i needed soil quick as the first back had high germination rates and went with what was on hand, miracle grow potting soil. I now regret this as i now have to contend with pre-nuted soil. All future transplants and seedlings will be planted in neutral homemixed soils. Watering cycle has been every other day in small amounts from 3' jiffy pots, sometimes a larger watering and one instance where my friend got sick and the plants went unwatered for a weekend under full 24/0 lighting in small seedling pots right when they hit the foliage grow stage.

Anyways now what ive got is a couple plants SEVERLY damaged, a few with leaf problems, a batch of seedlings that got effectivly crushed/burnt, and a few perfectly healthy beautiful plants.

The worst two apparently stretched and grew into the higher power CFLS and look to have burned and dropped leaves, but they left strong healthy green main stems, so im leaving and watering hoping for a transplant and recesitation, is this possible? for a heavily wilted plant with a total of 4 or so leaves revive itself?

Next i have a few 2-3 week old plants that seem to exhibit signs of over nuting, despite being on the same watering and soil mixture of other plants of the same age that are THRIVING, the symptoms are inwardly drooping and curling leaves, almost like rams horns, a few have some yellow spotting, and some turned deeper green in this whole proccess. These will be watered with ph'd water and epsom salt next, and all transplanted immediately into bigger pots in case of root bind and a new no nutes homemade soil. Any advice otherwise? Way to flush the nutes out of MG soil? and why some plants are doing great the way things are and have already been transplanted and such?

The next round of seedlings came out greet, dispite late seedling planting after tap roots had grow to a couple inches inside paper towels of seeds we thought hadn't sprouted after 72 hours, we planted these full plants in long holes in jiffy pots with soil, and they made it, hitting 2 nodes in like 4 days after planting, anyways my friend had to hide the setup because its not fully stealthed yet and in a rush poorly secured the seedling flouro to its temporary shelf, in the end these seedling spent the night under a 10watt short flouro and some had wraped there leaves around it making canopys in the shape of a C. These have all pulled through and new leaves are growing but the stems are all now at odd angles or spirals. I want to treat these as super early LST's and stake them now and throught there life controling there shapes, does this sound pheasable?

Lastly id like help with the soil itself. I want to get away from MG. I know i want to cut it with at least a 1/4 of permilite, other than that idk if theres a good organic or no-nute soil worth using, or if i need to get peat moss and all the rest of the actual ingredients and if so if anyone has any good recipes they don't mind sharing? I just want the best soil for my plants so i can control the nute levels and be able to actually adjust correctly for the health of the plant. Any ideas?

And about flushing, any suggestings on how i can flush the time release nutes out of MG? I was thinking epsom salts and water Ph'd?

Really thanks to anyone who read through all that and has any suggestions, i know the new growers like myself need to read up and search all these things out, but with 50 and 60 hours of work as the tourist season heats up, its hard to find time to be on the forum enough.
Answers to these kinds of questions help me keep my plants healthy.


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Well-Known Member
Hello, Iam using a mixture of MG and outside compost-like soil for 2 of my babies.... Id say the first one I transplanted into MG was a 30% MG / 70% compost, and it burned it up a little too much. I have 2 gallon pots so I flushed the soil with roughly 2.5 gallons of tap water. I just poured some on, waited till it drained from the surface and repeated until it started to flow out of the holes in the bottom. I used a 1 gallon milk jug to do it. Im not sure if this even had an effect altho She showed signs of improvement within a day or 2. I had to cut off the burnt up Fan leaf tho because it wasnt doing to well. On my second transplant I used maybe 10 MG / 90 compost mix and it seems to be doing a little better than the other one when it comes to the slight burn. I shall see how it goes in the next day or 2 seeing as the original plant with a higher MG mix is exhibiting a few small holes so to speak with yellowish rims about 2 days after flushing... I may have an insect problem for all I know but the yellowing of the rim of the holes leads me to believe its nute burn of some sort. Miracle grow was all I had in store at the time too other than the natural outside compost, so i went with it. These are only bagseeds so its not that big of a deal to me. my grow journal is in my signature. Good luck with everything!


Well-Known Member
ii would say a heat or needs to be transplanted problem.....sorry ii am too high to read all that...good luck...oh and never use maricle grow its actually a curse as ii would say...foxfarm is the way to go...


Well-Known Member
Make sure to buy plenty when you get there. :mrgreen:
Tell me about it. I went there once wih a buddy and spent like 300 on fox farm ferts n nutes. Had 6 buckets of everything in the ground for a swamp grow. Too bad the whole operation got flooded out due to a massive flooding in the area before we could even Xplant the clones. Gotta love mother nature.. sorry to be off topic in your post MGB... Please let me know if you end up trying to flush your babies of the MG nutes, and how it went...