Dr. Grinspoon


Well-Known Member
i dont even know what to say about this thing. ive seen it a couple of times in photos and thought about growing it. it looks just.... strange. im sure it grows like all the others but does anyone have details about this plant. anything thrown in will do.if someone were to come upon it would they know what it is? but my main question is, how does one marijuana strain look this strange? truly fascinating


Well-Known Member
I ordered Dr.G from Barneys Farms...Grew it out to be one of the longest flowering, lankiest plants I've ever grown. Personally, I hated it, and thought it was a waste of a pot that coulda held something better. It looks pretty normal until it starts flowering, and then NEVER PACKS ON ANY WEIGHT. And it took forever to finish. Personally, not a fan at all.


Well-Known Member
thank you so much for the post i have found similar warnings about it. this strain looks cool and ive read that people wont believe its weed. but way to tall and way to long to get anything out of it. but it still strikes me as odd that one strain out of them all has this kind of odd quality even if it does suck. so was there any perc to the high? did it have one good thing at all about it that you liked?


Well-Known Member
It still looks like weed. Can't mistake those fan leaves for anything else. The high was a decent sativa buzz, but nothing a potent large producing sativa couldn't handle. It's not some legendary strain that makes you see God when you smoke it. It's just a lankey sativa that doens't put on weight. It does look weird to see a plant full on flowering, with single calyx's ripening...Imagine a bud SOO wispy, that there is space in between each calyx WHILE STILL ON THE PLANT. Not like it dries up into fluff, it's ALWAYS fluff.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I saw it on additude's site.. Would never concider growing it, just way better shit out there.


Active Member
I have Grinsppon in 3 weeks of flower. It's very different then other Sativa's that i have grown. Looks more like a wild berry bush in confirmation. What i have read about it can grow up to 20 feet tall outdoors . I topped it at 2 months of veg. This produced 2 main lateral branches. From the topping it has produce many branches off the 2 main branches with a whole lot of flower site . Right now it's 30" high by 36 " wide. When i removed the lower branches and dried and blazed up those baby buds it encouraged me to look foward to a 12 week flower time - Good time to be had in early May
