DR60 and 400w HID

Hey guys I joined a while back and haven't really been active, due to some drawbacks. I haven't grown any dope before and I am fairly uneducated about marijuana growing.

Anyway my question is, will I have heat problems with a 400w dual spectrum in a dr60 grow tent, with a cooltube and a strong extractor fan?

Tent: dr60 (60x60x140 or 2''x2''4.5'')


light and reflector: cooltube with 400w dual spectrum


fan: 2 speed 120mm or 5'' fan rated at 220m3/h @ low speed and 280 @ high speed.


is the extractor fan strong enough to keep my temps cool or shall i just stick with a 250w HID? I am planning to put 8 plants in the room @ 6 liter pots.


Well-Known Member
No I just used gorilla tape when I had that problem and sealed it up.
Easy to tear down if need be, and cheap.
Alright , thanks for clearing that up champ.

Hopefully, in a couple weeks I will have everything set up. I am a bit anxious as it is my first grow, hopefully I won't mess things up.


Active Member
Hey man how are you finding that 400 in the DR60?

I'm getting a DR60 as well and can't decide between a T5(2ft 8 light) or a 400MH/HPS with dimmable digital ballast.