drawing fresh air into closet


I have a grow closet that's approximately 5x5. need advice on how to draw in fresh air and expel old air + control odor. I've read the DIY carbon filter thread and wanted to make one of those with a 4' inline fan purchased from HTG supply. ( http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=52557 )

My question is how can i install this fan + filter? do I connect the carbon filter to the intake side of the fan, then have some ducting to draw air out? I'm a complete noob so I have no idea how this could work. also where can i install and position the fan without putting any fixture on to the wall/ceiling or making a hole for passive intake to draw in fresh air?

The door can be opened at all times and also there are metal shelving on each side of the wall that I can attach things to.

Thank you