

Active Member
Who on here has dreadlocks and wants to share some pictures? I am currently growing out my hair, been about 8 months now and I don't know how patient I can be haha. Not planning on having dreads for a long time...if I even make it to that point. I just wanted to see if I could be patient enough, surprised myself so far haha.


It's the most natural haircut anyone can have.

Before combs, everyone had dreads.

That said, are you doing it the natural way, and just allowing your hair to grow this last 8 months without fucking with it? Or are you going to use dreadhead or something when you reach a certain length?

More power to you, but I keep my hair short. Life is all about manipulation, and to get the best results in my game, trust is the most powerful tool you can use to win.


Active Member
It's the most natural haircut anyone can have.

Before combs, everyone had dreads.

That said, are you doing it the natural way, and just allowing your hair to grow this last 8 months without fucking with it? Or are you going to use dreadhead or something when you reach a certain length?

More power to you, but I keep my hair short. Life is all about manipulation, and to get the best results in my game, trust is the most powerful tool you can use to win.
Not the natural way for me, I wanted to wait until my hair got long enough so that when/if I dread my hair the locks wouldn't be some short little pointy things on top of my head haha. Got to say though that with the weather starting to get warmer I am wanting a little more of a breeze on my head, but the long hair keeps the old lady happy for now, changes weekly though haha.


Well-Known Member
Alright,,,whats the lowdown on dreadlocks? how do you grow them? Care for them? Keep them? I dispatched a guy who had them down to his ass...not for me but they look kinda kewl on some dudes...never ladies though it doesn't look right.


Well-Known Member
ewww... reminds of of today when I was trying to get help from my tutor... he had long ass 2 foot dreads and they REEEKEEED of cigarette smoke, I literally said FUCK the help and left, it was unbearable.


Well-Known Member
i have hair almost to my ass bu tno dreads. it woud be fun but arent they kind of stinky? do you just wash them normally?


Well-Known Member
When I had long hair like down past my shoulders they just started forming in the back naturally....I dunno...Had a few...they stayed there still I got my hair cut off



New Member
I had a cornrows for a few months last year.... took almost a full year to grow my hair long enough for them to stick for more than a few days.

I didn't really care for the look just wanted to piss some people off