Dream big or go home


Well-Known Member
After my first grow I ended up with one plant surviving and 60 grams weight wet and shrunk to a tiny tiny 15g. Now when I started this and assumed this risk I expected to have much more of a reward and dammit thats what I am going to get.:hump:

I have been through so much trial and error and have so much going on now I think I will just pick up where I am. My biggest reason for the journal is to log what I am doing because I Couldnt tell you how long the blue cheese have been flowering now to save my life. I am going to start this in sections to get started and keep updated once a week with pics. My goal here is a harvest every two weeks in my own way. Hopefully about 6 plants every 2 weeks. Everyone stay tuned you wont be dissappointed



Well-Known Member
Lets start with the setup.

In the first pic is outside my two rooms. I have a veg room and a flowering room. The rooms are 7'x4'x4' each. They are constructed of tarps as it was just a big open space in my basement. There is a sheet of 6mil black plastic between the two to keep the light cycles ok. The next pic is of the two lights in my veg room. The small one is a horizontal 175w mh that I will be using just on the mothers for my clones. The other is a vertical 400w mh that will be used on the clones for there first 6 weeks of life. The next two pics are of my custom 400w hps in the flower room....ha. I just completed it today. It was verticle like the other but as most of you know that is highly inefficient in distributing light intensity. The balast is just outside the room and I used a piece of white alluminum a steel rod and the bulb socket and that what I came up with. Each room has a 20" box fan blowing air out of the rooms to try and keep humidity down and both have a temp and hum gauge.

Questions and comments are welcome fellah's




Well-Known Member
Now I will go over what I got going on. I am going to start with My Barneys Farm Blue Cheese. They were started shortly after My NL that finished and are still going... But the endured some serious stress along the way. I started them in an organic soil that was mulchy. Huge mistake once they sprouted they did nothing. Just stayed alive somehow but didnt grow for almost two weeks. After trial and error and process of elimination I realized it was the soil and transplanted. Then they took off for a few weeks till I stunted them more by overwatering. So the vegged for everybit of 6 weeks and barely hit 12" and I gave up and just put them in flower. And they are what you see now. I did manage to learn how to clone through all this so I cloned the strongest in hopes its genes in the clone would take off. Its really bushy and growing fast and I intend to make it a mother plant soon.

Pic one is the clone....I have been learning to top and train them to keep them a little more bushy and give me more clones.

Pic two....Just a top view of the untopped bc...I think there six weeks in. I am going to check the trichs soon.

Pic three....The top cola on one...pretty fat but I burnt it up and not getting much taller.



Well-Known Member
Next We have the G-13 Labs Northern Lights x Skunk 1... They are about 4 weeks from sprout....Been vegging under the 400mh 24/7 and have all been topped once. This plant has grown very big fan leaves and bushier than anything else so far and is supposed to have great yields. After my last grow All my weight was in the cola. So this time I only let them get about 12" and put them in flower today. I feel the rest of the time was a waste last time for indoor for yield. But the big plant was way sweeter...lol....

Pic 1.....Two I have selected for mothers.....going to clone in a few days.

Pic 2.....The four in the back are these....Just put in there today

Pic 3.....Top view of one of the moms.

Blue Cheese and these are all feminized




Well-Known Member
And Last but not least we have some G-13 Labs Power Skunk that I got for free with my order. 4 of the 4 sprouted but two I put outside for a expierment and the deer got em. But these other two are INTENSE....They have grown at an outstainding rate. Since they werent feminized they became my little topping super cropping crash test dummies....lol....And now I wish I had more. They have vegged awesome but just put in flower today so dont know if I will get a female but I hope so. Cause I will clone the shit out of it.

Pic 1....Top view of power skunk topped twice

Pic2....Side view of same plant

Pic3.....The two on the right are the power skunks....Please give me a female!

Welp this catch's everyone up....like I said comments and questions are welcome.... Next I will explain the plan....stay posted



Well-Known Member
So This is the plan and why I started the journal. I am really just trying to get rid of everything in the flower room. Have these three mothers saved in my veg room. Dont know if I want to stay with the Blue Cheese or the NLxSkunk....Going to do each for a while see which yields better. The two squares represent my rooms. And the two circles on the left room will be my mothers. I am going to take clones tonight or tomorrow. Those will become the first row of plants closest to the mothers. I will be taking 6 every two weeks as that is all the room I will have by the end with full grown plants. Anyways after two weeks I will move Those six plants another row back and start 6 more. They will move to the back of the veg room and veg for six weeks total from cutting, then will be moved to the back of the flower room...Where every two weeks they will be moved toward the forward for 8 more weeks. This is how I plan to acheive a harvest every two weeks. Its going to take a while to see this plan in action but I think it will be way worth the wait. And I May have to tweak end depending on how long the strains take to finish.....Cant wait!




Well-Known Member
lol...well von dank I try but it just doesnt seem worth it anymore. My rooms are in the basement of a house built in 1910. Dirt floors, jagged block foundation....Its like its own little enviornment down there and freaky at times I must say. I often wonder to myself what has been done down there for almost 100 years....I guess this just adds to....



Well-Known Member
Well I took 8 cuttings of NLxSkunk and 4 cuttings of the blue cheese... I have cloned 2 times now this being the third and the previous time all cuttings shown roots and planted in 7-10days. So I checked the trichs on the cheese flowering today and are started to turn amber. I assume they will be done about next sundayish and I am hoping these clones are rooted and going to put them directly in flower just to see what happens with the finish weight that way....Plus while everything is finishing I will continue to be cloning and filling in my little drawing....
