Dream Grow Room


Active Member
So if you could make a dream grow room what kind of setup would u have......money aside..lights? clones? nutrients? soil?


Well-Known Member
Foxfarm soil & nuts 1000watt hps with a solarmax1 bulb, seeds from bcseedking.com good vents and a tank of co2. In three months you will need a big bong.


Well-Known Member
That big underground grow-op that was is wisconsin or something that got raided. The real sophisticated one, with the hydraulic entry door and emerygency excape hatch's.


Active Member
My dream grow room would.. be outside. Yeah, outside in public. Isn't that where the weed should be? :(


Well-Known Member
um 84 plants under 7 halogen flood lights that I stole from a public park by my house. i would then try and wire this using a old plug that i spliced.


Well-Known Member
My dream grow room would have a glass ceiling, with automatic curtains of some sort to control when the sunlight could be "turned off" if needed. No electric to worry about. Just like a green house.


New Member
My dream grow room would be: to be able to grow where ever, when ever and with out the fear of persecution for taking advantage of natures medicines!


Well-Known Member
That big underground grow-op that was is wisconsin or something that got raided. The real sophisticated one, with the hydraulic entry door and emerygency excape hatch's.
that was in Tennessee - and I must say......even though I'm sure they grew a LOT of pot.....it was a very inefficient use of space. They could have used a MUCH more productive system.