*Dream Interpretations - no liers pls (people who make up dreams they "had")

Big P

Well-Known Member
Ok this thread is to talk about the dreams you have at night and interprating them

for the past year or two I have been having the same type dreams, im always traveling somewhere foriegn but im really trying hard to get back home ASAP

but im always stuck in the air port, or packing huge loads of my stuff so I can move

like I always also have dreams i am moving away and its taking forever to get my stuff packed up and even longer for my wife to get all her stuff packed so I can square everything away with the aprtment people so we can finally move and leave

but i never move in the dream im always trying to move and always late and it never happens in the dream

then also I have similare dreams im always at this same tiny rundown house that i have never seen in real life but I dream about this house a lot for some reason and im always trying to drive home from there and im always driving dirty in the dreams worried i am driving drunk and afraid the cops will get me but I just want to get home so bad

im starting to think it means somthing about my current path in life

i dont know what to think,

anyone have any insite?

I always remeber my dreams, my reoccuring dreams before that always had to do with people in my house i was trying to get to leave but they would never leave,

I had these type dreams when i used to have a lot of parties and people over my house everywhere which i have since stopped doing. I think my dreams back then new I was planing to slow down before I even did.

anyway any wannabe phsyco anylists wanna chime in :mrgreen:

Big P

Well-Known Member
also do any of you guys have your dreams mostly happen in the same house?

like i grew up in this house that I loved, and I havnt lived there or even seen the place since the past 14 years,

but to this day most of my dreams that occur inside a house all occur in this house i grew up in.

do you guys ever get that?

i been living in my current house for like 5 years and never have a dream about it.

before that I was moving every 6 -12 months to a new apartment

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think it means you want a kitten.:bigjoint:

But seriously, I read somewhere that in dreams where there is a house, the house represents you. I always dream about the same house when I have the house dream. It's old and run down, but it's huge and it could be beautiful if it was given a little care. The first and second floor are fine, but someone has torn the staircase out to the third floor, which is horribly haunted by violent spirits. It gets worse the further down the hall you go; each bedroom has its own ghost. You're safe to a certain point on the third floor...there is a frame like where a door would be at about the quarter point of the hall...they can't cross this threshold. But you can still hear them. If you cross the threshold, they control that part, and they can make things appear different than they really are,or warp time,or just plain kill you.There's another dream thread where I posted this dream I had a few weeks back....here's a copy and paste of that post:

I had a weird three part dream a few weeks back. It's kinda fucked up.

In the first part, I was watching a documentary about a man who molested his children with pieces of toast. Obviously, I didn't wanna see that shit, so I pulled away from that part of the dream, and I was in this 1920's speakeasy that had had an explosion that killed everyone in it. It was dark, but lights from the street were shining through the window and I could see cops pulling screaming people away...I tried to fumble around in the dark to get up, and everywhere I touched there were squishy things I couldn't see. So I pulled away again,and I saw a man getting ready to rape a woman. He had her tied down. But this is how he raped her...he duct taped a screw drive to her pelvis, flathead side up, and proceeded to sit on it and use it on himself like a dildo. WTF. Analyze that dream.:spew:
Ok this thread is to talk about the dreams you have at night and interprating them

for the past year or two I have been having the same type dreams, im always traveling somewhere foriegn but im really trying hard to get back home ASAP

but im always stuck in the air port, or packing huge loads of my stuff so I can move

like I always also have dreams i am moving away and its taking forever to get my stuff packed up and even longer for my wife to get all her stuff packed so I can square everything away with the aprtment people so we can finally move and leave

but i never move in the dream im always trying to move and always late and it never happens in the dream

then also I have similare dreams im always at this same tiny rundown house that i have never seen in real life but I dream about this house a lot for some reason and im always trying to drive home from there and im always driving dirty in the dreams worried i am driving drunk and afraid the cops will get me but I just want to get home so bad

im starting to think it means somthing about my current path in life

i dont know what to think,

anyone have any insite?

I always remeber my dreams, my reoccuring dreams before that always had to do with people in my house i was trying to get to leave but they would never leave,

I had these type dreams when i used to have a lot of parties and people over my house everywhere which i have since stopped doing. I think my dreams back then new I was planing to slow down before I even did.

anyway any wannabe phsyco anylists wanna chime in :mrgreen:

Big P

Well-Known Member
I think it means you want a kitten.:bigjoint:

But seriously, I read somewhere that in dreams where there is a house, the house represents you. I always dream about the same house when I have the house dream. It's old and run down, but it's huge and it could be beautiful if it was given a little care. The first and second floor are fine, but someone has torn the staircase out to the third floor, which is horribly haunted by violent spirits. It gets worse the further down the hall you go; each bedroom has its own ghost. You're safe to a certain point on the third floor...there is a frame like where a door would be at about the quarter point of the hall...they can't cross this threshold. But you can still hear them. If you cross the threshold, they control that part, and they can make things appear different than they really are,or warp time,or just plain kill you.There's another dream thread where I posted this dream I had a few weeks back....here's a copy and paste of that post:

I had a weird three part dream a few weeks back. It's kinda fucked up.

In the first part, I was watching a documentary about a man who molested his children with pieces of toast. Obviously, I didn't wanna see that shit, so I pulled away from that part of the dream, and I was in this 1920's speakeasy that had had an explosion that killed everyone in it. It was dark, but lights from the street were shining through the window and I could see cops pulling screaming people away...I tried to fumble around in the dark to get up, and everywhere I touched there were squishy things I couldn't see. So I pulled away again,and I saw a man getting ready to rape a woman. He had her tied down. But this is how he raped her...he duct taped a screw drive to her pelvis, flathead side up, and proceeded to sit on it and use it on himself like a dildo. WTF. Analyze that dream.:spew:

:eyesmoke: jeez i dont know where to start,

i have a close realtive that always has horrible bloody dreams, its linked to her depression and trouble getting proper REM'S during sleep

this same thing happend to her once when she was on Acid, like you know when your on acid you can picture somthing in you head so vivdly, well she started picturing horrible shit like the stuff in your dream and couldnt stop thinking about it and kept imagining horrible mutilation type images in her head to the point of almost throwing up or throwing up i cant even remember anymore

I can interprit your dreams, could be wrong so dont take offense, anything bad happen to you in you past?

even thoough i have horrible dreams somtimes too and i didnt have much horrible things happen to me

i can tell its a dream for real cuz of the way you explain it. you cant make that crazy shit up lol

i used to always be scared in my dreams and wake up freaked out. but i have been on anxiety meds for a few years now, and all my dreams even the most scariest ones, i am never actually sacred in them anymore its real wierd but AWSOME

its weird but i think these dreams where i have no fear are helping me overcome my anxiety problems i had in the past

so the house is me??

cool its a nice house:bigjoint: 2 acres trees all around it, private with a pool

I spent my much of my childhood roaming the yard and the woods, i know every crack and squeek in that house,

its driving me nuts i been dreaming about it for 14 years and even before that

im either going buy that fucker back or build a replica of it one day.

maybe im just insane:lol:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I don't have a lot of these dreams anymore, because I learned to control my dreams and realize when the tone of the dream indicated it would be a bad one and get out. I used to dream about zombies A LOT. I hate dead bodies, they freak me out. I had this one dream this one time that I was in a funeral home, and the funeral director was a woman. She was watering various plants around the place,and I walked down the hall, looking in the rooms. One door was closed, so I opened it, and there was a white guy with an afro lying there on a loveseat. He was on his side and his feet were on the floor. I asked her, "Who's this?" She said, "Oh, I just havent gotten around to putting him in a coffin yet. By the way, if he moves, it's just spasms."
Sure enough, no sooner than she says this, the guy opens his eyes and they roll down towards me. They were all cloudy like dead people's eyes get. Then he smiles this awful smile, sits up, stands up, and starts coming towards me with that awful smile. I remember his teeth were yellow and his gums were blue. I turn, and I'm heading for the exit, yelling for this lady to help me. She keeps telling me in a calm voice it's just nerves causing his movement,and continues watering the plants as this thing follows me down the hall. I get to the door and I'm trying to open it to get out of there, but I can't get ahold of the handle, and this thing is still coming. He's reaching for me, still smiling,and I'm wrestling with the door. I feel his fingers dig into my back. I woke up,and I could still feel the pressure of his fingers for a few seconds.
So, I practiced learning to control my dreams a lot. Now I can shut them off most of the time with no problem. Sometimes my mind is persistent, though, and tries to jump into another bad dream like the three part one.
Yes, I've had bad things happen to me in the past, but not as bad as some people have. My dad died when I was 11,and I had nightmares about him for a long time,because my brother tried to make me touch him while he was in his coffin. I do have depression, but it's not as bad as it used to be in my early 20's or my teens.
I've had some really beautiful dreams, too.But for the past few years, I haven't had too many memorable dreams. Recently my doctor prescribed me some xanax because I was having some bad anxiety over a custody battle I was in with my ex, and I found that the xanax seemed to reawaken my dream center,even though I don't take it every day. Now my dreams are really vivid again.
:eyesmoke: jeez i dont know where to start,

i have a close realtive that always has horrible bloody dreams, its linked to her depression and trouble getting proper REM'S during sleep

this same thing happend to her once when she was on Acid, like you know when your on acid you can picture somthing in you head so vivdly, well she started picturing horrible shit like the stuff in your dream and couldnt stop thinking about it and kept imagining horrible mutilation type images in her head to the point of almost throwing up or throwing up i cant even remember anymore

I can interprit your dreams, could be wrong so dont take offense, anything bad happen to you in you past?

even thoough i have horrible dreams somtimes too and i didnt have much horrible things happen to me

i can tell its a dream for real cuz of the way you explain it. you cant make that crazy shit up lol

i used to always be scared in my dreams and wake up freaked out. but i have been on anxiety meds for a few years now, and all my dreams even the most scariest ones, i am never actually sacred in them anymore its real wierd but AWSOME

its weird but i think these dreams where i have no fear are helping me overcome my anxiety problems i had in the past

so the house is me??

cool its a nice house:bigjoint: 2 acres trees all around it, private with a pool

I spent my much of my childhood roaming the yard and the woods, i know every crack and squeek in that house,

its driving me nuts i been dreaming about it for 14 years and even before that

im either going buy that fucker back or build a replica of it one day.

maybe im just insane:lol:


im always traveling somewhere foriegn but im really trying hard to get back home ASAP

but im always stuck in the air port, or packing huge loads of my stuff so I can move
Sounds like your dreams are about change. You are in a (complicated?)place you are unhappy and uncomfortable with and really want to get back to a simpler life (home).
Your inability to move could mean you feel unprepared to cope with opportunities or changes that have come your way.

Or I may just be a dumb ass.

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol yea

i think you are right

back to a simpler time i guess

my inability to move is because i have 2 kids and im married

and all i wanna do is a zoom zoom zoom and a boom boom if you know what i mean:bigjoint:

thanks for the help doc:bigjoint:

ok whos next, who needs some dream therapy?


Well-Known Member
havent had reoccuring dreams in a while now..

Dreams are fucked.

For me, ill have incredibly vivid dreams for a while and then nothing. Ill have dreams where ill be able to remember everything in minute detail and then ill go for months without being able to remember my dreams at all.. they come and go in waves.

I seem to have a lot dream where a bunch of friends or people i knew will be on or in a vehicle. Usually a big vehicle. Like a bus/truck or something. But the vehicle is almost always ALLL OVER the road. And when reaching the top of hills will usually soar off the ground and into the air. For what it looks like hundreds of miles. After everybody freaking out.. and me usually feeling the most terrifying feeling of horror and fear ive ever felt in my life; the vehicle lands and everyone is fine and no one acts like the vehicle just did what it did. Except for me...

other than thattt... i used to have horrifying dreams of TRYING to run away from 'Pennywise'.. the clown from stephen Kings 'IT'. Now i laugh at the fact though.. lol

it.jpg BOO!


Active Member
that website might be helpful
for interpreting your dreams it worked for me
and it usually gives more than one explanation for most things that occur in dreams
its also a good way to waste a couple minutes if you have dreams from way back that you never forgot, you ca find out what they signify.

Big P

Well-Known Member
havent had reoccuring dreams in a while now..

Dreams are fucked.

For me, ill have incredibly vivid dreams for a while and then nothing. Ill have dreams where ill be able to remember everything in minute detail and then ill go for months without being able to remember my dreams at all.. they come and go in waves.

I seem to have a lot dream where a bunch of friends or people i knew will be on or in a vehicle. Usually a big vehicle. Like a bus/truck or something. But the vehicle is almost always ALLL OVER the road. And when reaching the top of hills will usually soar off the ground and into the air. For what it looks like hundreds of miles. After everybody freaking out.. and me usually feeling the most terrifying feeling of horror and fear ive ever felt in my life; the vehicle lands and everyone is fine and no one acts like the vehicle just did what it did. Except for me...

other than thattt... i used to have horrifying dreams of TRYING to run away from 'Pennywise'.. the clown from stephen Kings 'IT'. Now i laugh at the fact though.. lol

View attachment 743373 BOO!

lol thats sick

maybe the dream about riding in a crazy bus is about not feeling in control


Well-Known Member
First off let me say cool thread P. Secondly I want to share a short dream I remember having quite often.

The dream starts with me and my nephew in a small blue kiddie pool. I'm relaxing with my feet hanging out of the pool, floating above the water. My nephew is cheerfuly splashing away at the tiny waves and all is well, then
A gentleman appears out of nowhere and starts drowning my nephew! I try to fight him everytime but I can't pry his hands from him. HE'S FUCKING STRONG!!!! He kills my nephew and simply walks away. I cry as I hold his lifeless little body and then I wake up.
I have nevver felt so over powered in my life. Defeat agony, pain, sorrow, weak. I had this dreams for years and then it stopped.

At one point in my life I was a big coke head. Some nights I would have this dream of Railling a nice 1 gram line.
It would follow proceedure just as if it was back in the day. I whip out my 20 dollar bill and place it over the coke then with a credit card I would squeegy it till it was a fine powder.
Next I would scrape it off the mirror, chop it up and bam! Up the nose.
I would wake up dissapointed every time..


Oracle of Hallucinogens
go to Borders and pick up a dream meaning book.. it is under the Psychology section. Personally I do not believe in interpretations of dreams (as we really do not have a solid idea as to how we dream.. it is suspected to be DMT; if that is the case it would be like trying to interpret a randomized trip).

Big P

Well-Known Member
that website might be helpful
for interpreting your dreams it worked for me
and it usually gives more than one explanation for most things that occur in dreams
its also a good way to waste a couple minutes if you have dreams from way back that you never forgot, you ca find out what they signify.

thanks for that link dude it was epic,



Well-Known Member
I had a dream the other night that it was cold all summer. Like winter up north cold It was horrible. I believe it was just a terrible nightmare I had because I'm sick of it being cold but I'm open to any other ways it could be interpreted.


Well-Known Member
The other night I had a dream I shot my cat in the head... I saw the blood and all, and it's strange because my cat is near 17 years old and I've had him for that long, if anyone touched my cat I'd kill them, not the other way around... I didn't like it at all and woke myself out of the dream immediately, I knew it wasn't right... but why did I have it.

Big P

Well-Known Member
First off let me say cool thread P. Secondly I want to share a short dream I remember having quite often.

The dream starts with me and my nephew in a small blue kiddie pool. I'm relaxing with my feet hanging out of the pool, floating above the water. My nephew is cheerfuly splashing away at the tiny waves and all is well, then
A gentleman appears out of nowhere and starts drowning my nephew! I try to fight him everytime but I can't pry his hands from him. HE'S FUCKING STRONG!!!! He kills my nephew and simply walks away. I cry as I hold his lifeless little body and then I wake up.
I have nevver felt so over powered in my life. Defeat agony, pain, sorrow, weak. I had this dreams for years and then it stopped.

At one point in my life I was a big coke head. Some nights I would have this dream of Railling a nice 1 gram line.
It would follow proceedure just as if it was back in the day. I whip out my 20 dollar bill and place it over the coke then with a credit card I would squeegy it till it was a fine powder.
Next I would scrape it off the mirror, chop it up and bam! Up the nose.
I would wake up dissapointed every time..

damn thats a fucked up dream

i think dreams are to help you cope, like almost like your brain training and practicing and working issues out

like you start to remeber your dreams more when you are stressed out

im sure if you are fighting in the trenches you have dreams about fighting

this in turn is rememberd when you wake up

so if I always dream about a somone chasing me with a knife to stab me.

one day, if that actually happens to me I will be "ready" so to speak,

you know what i mean? its like the next best thing to actually expiriancing a situation

so your mind might playout an situation in your head that you are scared of,that way if it actually happends it wont be so shocking to you causing you to react in the proper way increasing your survivability?

i dont know im rambling

but like, worm, i garantee if you are ever sittin in the pool with you nephew in real life again and some guy comes walking up, i bet you are gonna sit up in an a somwhat alarmed fashion and say who the f r u? ready to pounce, and in real life you most likely gonna wear that dudes ass out if he trys anything funny:bigjoint:

as opposed to if you never had the dream you would sit thier thinking it was not threat:bigjoint:

unprepared to protect what you appearenlty care deeply about, your brain is preparing you instinctivly,

Big P

Well-Known Member
The other night I had a dream I shot my cat in the head... I saw the blood and all, and it's strange because my cat is near 17 years old and I've had him for that long, if anyone touched my cat I'd kill them, not the other way around... I didn't like it at all and woke myself out of the dream immediately, I knew it wasn't right... but why did I have it.

damn man what the cat ever do to you! :bigjoint:


is the cat in good health? did he pee on the rug?
