Drip feed coco?


Active Member
Hi I’m a new coco grower,
the constants hand watering is becoming to time consuming unfortunately and I’m not always around to feed as much as I would like. I have been thinking about setting up some kind of drip feed system... will I get dry patches in the coco doing this ?


Well-Known Member
No, not if you set it up correctly. Try to use multiple drippers vs. one. I took hosing and made a manifold, which is made up of (6) drippers...it's shaped like a circle, but with a split in it so you can get it around the trunk of your plant. Seems to work good for me. Good luck


Well-Known Member
No pics, sorry, but picture this: put a T on the end of a hose line, add (make this to size so it fits your pot; I'm making up this measurement for the sake of our conversation) (2) pieces of hose 2" long, add a T, put a dripper on the T, add another 2" piece of hose, repeat, repeat. Do this for both sides, it will make a general circle or C shape. Does that make sense?


Well-Known Member
FYI, make all your hoses and connecting pieces the same lengths, regardless of how close one plant may be to your water source. Keeping all your lines the same length, will help ensure even flow rates to all your plants.


Well-Known Member
I bought this one to water my plants when I was out of town.

It worked like a champ, and I'm considering using it all the time for the same reasons you state. I set it to water for 30sec every 8h while I was out of town for 2 days last month. I'd need to spend some time dialing in what the appropriate amount was, but it got the job done for me. I put two droppers in the plants that were flowering, and one in the ones that were in earlier veg. (Pictured)


Good luck!