Drip System Help PLEASE!!


Active Member
Hey. I have been smokin for a while and finally decided to start growing.

I am trying to make a drip system like the one in the "I Grow Chronic" video series on youtube. Not the eb and flow.

My setup is just like the one in the vid. I have everything the same except I have yet to get a pump.

I was wondering, what requirements would i want for this setup? Like, how many GPH? Can anyone give me a link to a good one that would work or tell me a model or something?

Thanks, and happy tokin :bigjoint:


Oh, and try to answer as soon as possible. She wants me to find the pump by tomorrow if at all possible so we can either go find it or order it.

thanks again

Old in the Way

Well-Known Member
How many emitters/feeder tubes? Not more than 100 or so then a 396gph pump from your local hydro shop will do......25-30 usd


Well-Known Member
I'm feeding 8 plants with a 175 gpm ..........depends on how far up you're pumping your water , look on the pump pkg and it will tell you , the higher you are pumping the water the more head pressure you will have.....hope this helps....


Active Member
I will be feeding 8 plants as well. and the water will have to be pumped up about 3 feet give or take an inch or two.

thank you guys soooo much! :)


Active Member
how many gph do u suppose i would need to pump the water upwards three feet on a 1/2 inch inner diameter tube that splits off to feed 8 plants? how high does yours pump?

thanks again bro


Well-Known Member
I,m only going about 2 feet but have plenty of water pressure.....I would suggest you go 1 size bigger for your setup....and you will be fine...hope this helps Bro.....


Active Member
what do you mean one size up? what are the sizes?

like what gph?

sorry if i sound like a complete dumbass. haha. but when it comes to growin... i am lmao.

if you could just kind of explain the sizes and tell me what the next size up would be and how many gph or send a link to the info it would be GREATLY appreciated.

thnx man


Well-Known Member
Next size up will probably be a 225gph...depends on manufacturer....they usually start at 175 and go up....just get the size bigger than 175....you don't need a 3 or 4 hundred gph pump that would be overkill...know what I mean Bro....


Active Member
ok one more question. not about growin.

is there like a point system or how do you get to a higher level and what privledges do u get?



Active Member
aight. no problem dude. id give more if itd let me. youve helped meh sooo much.

how can you tell if someones given u rep? will it give me like a notification in my myrollitup thing?